Who is Brian Cullinan?

Software Engineer, Network Admin, Mobile/Web/UI/UX Developer, Computer Scientist

Authentic Systems


+1 (480) 466-0856
(text messages welcome)

Things you can find on this site:

Future goals for this site:

Clip Art









Current Projects

Live Resume

Jupyter Ops



Previous Projects

Live Development

My YouTube Channel

Study Interests

  1. strangerzonehf/Flux-Ultimate-LoRA-Collection · Hugging Face
  2. exo-explore/exo: Run your own AI cluster at home with everyday devices 📱💻 🖥️⌚
  3. Tencent/Hunyuan3D-1: Tencent Hunyuan3D-1.0: A Unified Framework for Text-to-3D and Image-to-3D Generation
  4. CiaraStrawberry/TemporalKit: An all in one solution for adding Temporal Stability to a Stable Diffusion Render via an automatic1111 extension
  5. nashaofu/node-screenshots: Zero-dependent. A native nodejs screenshots library for Mac、Windows、Linux.
  6. octalmage/robotjs: Node.js Desktop Automation.
  7. videojs/video.js: Video.js - open source HTML5 video player
  8. psychopattt/Discord-Remote: Control your PC remotely via Discord
  9. 3d printing - Extrude the outside of a cylinder using a grayscale image - Blender Stack Exchange
  10. 11mlabs/indri-0.1-124m-tts-GGUF · Hugging Face
  11. huggingface/meshgen: A blender addon for generating meshes with AI
  12. nv-tlabs/LLaMA-Mesh: Unifying 3D Mesh Generation with Language Models
  13. Infrastructure Automation with OpenAI Function Calling | by Anton Smit | Medium
  14. Keltezaa/dynamic-poses-flux-sdxl · Hugging Face
  15. bytedance/UI-TARS
  16. ggerganov/whisper.cpp: Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++
  17. QwenLM/Qwen: The official repo of Qwen (通义千问) chat & pretrained large language model proposed by Alibaba Cloud.
  18. NVlabs/Sana: SANA: Efficient High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Linear Diffusion Transformer
  19. WebLLM Chat
  20. Ampere (microarchitecture) - Wikipedia
  21. Converting HuggingFace Models to GGUF/GGML | Substratus.AI
  22. k-quants by ikawrakow · Pull Request #1684 · ggerganov/llama.cpp
  23. The easiest way to convert a model to GGUF and Quantize | by D | Medium
  24. FP6-LLM: Efficiently Serving Large Language Models Through FP6-Centric Algorithm-System Co-Design
  25. Spann3R
  26. HengyiWang/spann3r: [3DV'25] 3D Reconstruction with Spatial Memory
  27. lllyasviel/Omost at learn.rundiffusion.com
  28. Building a lidar map using graphs and open-source tools | Evocargo | Evocargo
  29. mlc-ai/web-stable-diffusion: Bringing stable diffusion models to web browsers. Everything runs inside the browser with no server support.
  30. alicevision/Meshroom: 3D Reconstruction Software
  31. TheBloke/Mistral-7B-Claude-Chat-GGUF · Hugging Face
  32. Local Tool Calling with llamacpp - YouTube
  33. Adding CLIPSeg automatic masking to Stable Diffusion | myByways
  34. mylwmhmvj,lrm249
  35. jtydhr88/sd-webui-txt-img-to-3d-model: A custom extension for sd-webui that allow you to generate 3D model from txt or image, basing on OpenAI Shap-E.
  36. justinpinkney/stable-diffusion
  37. LambdaLabsML/lambda-diffusers
  38. We have Midjourney at home: how to install and try the diffusion model on your own? | by Berezhnoy Daniil | Medium
  39. AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui: Stable Diffusion web UI
  40. Midjourney vs Stable Diffusion: Which one should you pick? - Stable Diffusion Art
  41. Tabnine AI code assistant | Private, personalized, protected
  1. AlfredoSequeida/hints: Hints lets you navigate GUI applications in Linux without your mouse by displaying "hints" you can type on your keyboard to interact with GUI elements.
  2. Actions · AlfredoSequeida/hints
  3. odilia-app/atspi: A fast, zbus-based, permissively licensed AT-SPI library written in pure Rust!
  4. Tunnels - Cloudflare One
  5. Create a locally-managed tunnel (CLI) · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
  6. WiringPi/WiringPi: The arguably fastest GPIO Library for the Raspberry Pi
  7. TheBloke/deepsex-34b-GGUF · Hugging Face
  8. DustinBrett/daedalOS: Desktop environment in the browser
  9. jaywcjlove/awesome-mac:  Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.
  10. audreyt/ethercalc: Node.js port of Multi-user SocialCalc
  11. michaelolson01/Propaganda: Linux Propaganda wallpaper tiles started by Bowie J. Poag
  12. ghostty-org/ghostty: 👻 Ghostty is a fast, feature-rich, and cross-platform terminal emulator that uses platform-native UI and GPU acceleration.
  1. Home – NAPI-RS
  2. Neon - Electrify Node.js with the power of Rust! | Neon
  1. Forming Storming Norming Performing: Team Development | Team Stages
  1. shadps4-emu/shadPS4: PlayStation 4 emulator for Windows, Linux and macOS written in C++
  2. Flyguygx (Flyguy)
  3. Flyguy - Shadertoy BETA
  4. Search results for the terms Reader rabbit - My Abandonware
  5. Games | Sesame Street | PBS KIDS
  6. 😊 Open Source 3D Platformer : Edelweiss - Showcase - three.js forum
  7. mbitsnbites / mc1-quake · GitLab
  8. mbitsnbites/mc1-quake: Quake - ported to the MC1/MRISC32 architecture
  9. HengyiWang/spann3r: [3DV'25] 3D Reconstruction with Spatial Memory
  10. OpenRadiant - Thames Software
  11. cubemap tricks · Issue #23 · GeorgLegato/sd-webui-panorama-viewer
  12. SimonOC - Design Index Page
  13. simonoc (sock) on id Tech 3 Mapping | Trello
  14. The Engines of Creation
  15. Arena.Xlsm Gallery | Cary Walkin.CA
  16. ZEQ2 Lite
  1. preziotte/party-mode: An experimental music visualizer using d3.js and the web audio api.
  2. Party Mode :: An audio visualizer experiment.
  3. naomiaro/waveform-playlist: Multitrack Web Audio editor and player with canvas waveform preview. Set cues, fades and shift multiple tracks in time. Record audio tracks or provide audio annotations. Export your mix to AudioBuffer or WAV! Add effects from Tone.js. Project inspired by Audacity.
  4. astrofox-io/astrofox: Astrofox is a motion graphics program that lets you turn audio into amazing videos.
  5. Microsoft Word - Electric Sheep - SIGCHI Format 2.6.docx
  6. waltonseymour/visualizer: Music visualizer built with WASM, Canvas, and Web Audio API
  7. About Custom Visualizations | Microsoft Learn
  1. dBpoweramp: mp3 Converter, CD Ripper, FLAC, Apple Lossless, WAV, AAC, AIFF. Fix album art, Asset UPnP Server
  1. FAA Regulations | Federal Aviation Administration
  2. The Difference Between VFR vs IFR - Thrust Flight
  3. Laminated VFR Wall Planning Chart
  4. Penrose diagram - Wikipedia
  1. Paintings – Sky Black
  1. Strauss–Howe generational theory - Wikipedia
  2. Brain in a vat - Wikipedia
  1. Puter
  2. HeyPuter/puter: 🌐 The Internet OS! Free, Open-Source, and Self-Hostable.
  3. s-macke/jor1k: Online OR1K Emulator running Linux
  4. ubercomp/jslm32: Javascript emulator for the LatticeMico platform
  5. levskaya/jslinux-deobfuscated: An old version of Mr. Bellard's JSLinux rewritten to be human readable, hand deobfuscated and annotated.
  6. killinux/jslinux-bellard
  7. copy/v86: x86 PC emulator and x86-to-wasm JIT, running in the browser
  1. DNA stuck in the gears of the RNA production machine | Penn State University
  2. Addgene: A better way to share science
  1. Technological singularity - Wikipedia
  2. Roko's basilisk - Wikipedia
  3. Rosicrucianism - Wikipedia
  4. The Kybalion - Wikipedia

Brainstorming Sessions

  1. List chores, even the ones already done
  2. Brainstorming topics
  3. Words that start with the same letter
  4. Words that have 2 different meanings
  5. Brainstorm lies we tell ourselves
  6. Think or list people you care about
  7. Names for product versions
  8. App ideas
  9. Brainstorm problems at work (it's the thought that counts)
  10. Planting a garden or landscaping
  11. How to make money?
  1. Mop floor
  2. Wash toilet
  3. Clean dogs
  4. Fold clothes
  5. Make tea
  6. Wipe down counters
  1. Where is the Soul?
  2. If a Soul can detach, why does it come back?
  3. Is a Soul responsible for seeking more?
  4. Does the Soul connect us, when we feel disconnected?
  5. Does the Soul give us double meaning, emotions?
  6. When someone's soul is detached, do they lose feeling?
  7. How do we give a robot a Soul?
  8. Can the Soul sense Love from a distance?
  9. Do our Souls make our ears itch when someone is talking about us?
  10. How do we protect our Soul?
  11. Can our Soul protect someone else?
  12. Does our Soul need a break from our bodies?
  13. If our Souls connect socially, then socializing should help find detached Souls?
  14. If a person hurts someone else, how can the Soul make up for it?
  15. What effect does music have on the Soul?

Brainstorm w/ Brian

Browsing Activity


2/21 10:00 amscreenshot-desktop - Google Search link ↗
2/21 10:00 amscreenshot-desktop - npm link ↗
2/21 10:00 ambencevans/screenshot-desktop: 💻 Capture a screenshot of your local machine link ↗
2/21 10:00 amscreenshot-desktop/lib at main · bencevans/screenshot-desktop link ↗
2/21 10:00 amscreenshot-desktop/lib/darwin at main · bencevans/screenshot-desktop link ↗
2/21 10:00 amscreenshot-desktop/lib/darwin/index.js at main · bencevans/screenshot-desktop link ↗
2/21 10:02 amComparing bencevans:main...briancullinan2:patch-1 · bencevans/screenshot-desktop link ↗
2/21 10:02 amComparing bencevans:main...briancullinan2:patch-1 · bencevans/screenshot-desktop link ↗
2/21 10:03 amEditing screenshot-desktop/lib/darwin/index.js at main · bencevans/screenshot-desktop link ↗
2/21 10:03 amComparing bencevans:main...briancullinan2:patch-2 · bencevans/screenshot-desktop link ↗
2/21 10:03 amComparing bencevans:main...briancullinan2:patch-2 · bencevans/screenshot-desktop link ↗
2/21 10:04 amUpdate index.js by briancullinan2 · Pull Request #305 · bencevans/screenshot-desktop link ↗
2/21 10:04 amnpm temp - Google Search link ↗
2/21 10:04 amJust a moment... link ↗
2/21 10:04 amJust a moment... link ↗
2/21 10:04 amtemp - npm link ↗
2/21 10:04 ambruce/node-temp: Temporary File, Directory, and Stream support for Node.js link ↗
2/21 10:04 amnode-temp/lib at master · bruce/node-temp link ↗
2/21 10:04 amnode-temp/lib/temp.js at master · bruce/node-temp link ↗
2/21 10:05 amEditing node-temp/lib/temp.js at master · bruce/node-temp link ↗
2/21 10:05 amComparing bruce:master...briancullinan2:patch-1 · bruce/node-temp link ↗
2/21 10:05 amComparing bruce:master...briancullinan2:patch-1 · bruce/node-temp link ↗
2/21 10:06 amUpdate temp.js by briancullinan2 · Pull Request #101 · bruce/node-temp link ↗
2/21 10:06 amPull requests · bruce/node-temp link ↗
2/21 10:06 am[fix] modernize the code by aminya · Pull Request #95 · bruce/node-temp link ↗
2/21 10:07 amNo correct stack trace when reject value isn't an instanceof Error · Issue #41676 · nodejs/node link ↗
2/21 0:28 pmCentralia - Google Search link ↗
2/21 0:28 pmCentralia - Google Search link ↗
2/21 0:28 pmCentralia - Google Search link ↗
2/21 5:22 pmChatGPT link ↗
2/21 5:23 pmGenerational Iniquity in Scripture link ↗
2/21 5:27 pmGoogle Calendar - Week of February 16, 2025 link ↗
2/21 5:27 pmGoogle Calendar - Week of February 16, 2025 link ↗
2/21 8:51 pmantlr generate lexer parser - Google Search link ↗
2/21 9:05 pmantlr4 npm - Google Search link ↗
2/21 9:05 pmJust a moment... link ↗
2/21 9:05 pmJust a moment... link ↗
2/21 9:06 pmantlr/antlr4: ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for readi link ↗
2/21 9:09 pmantlr/antlr4-tools: Tools to run antlr4 w/o needing to install java or antlr4! link ↗
2/21 9:10 pmjava runtime environment - Google Search link ↗
2/21 9:10 pmJava Downloads for All Operating Systems link ↗
2/21 9:18 pmeclipse - Class has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Environment - Stack Overflow link ↗
2/21 9:19 pmJava Runtime (class file version 55.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file link ↗
2/21 9:19 pmJava Runtime (class file version 55.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file link ↗
2/21 9:19 pmTool has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 55.0), this link ↗
2/21 9:19 pmbrew install java doesn't update version - Google Search link ↗
2/21 9:19 pmmacos - How to brew install java? - Stack Overflow link ↗
2/21 9:26 pm_antlr.default.PredictionContextCache is not a constructor - Google Search link ↗
2/22 9:36 amantlr4 - npm link ↗
2/22 9:36 amantlr/antlr4: ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for readi link ↗
2/22 9:37 amall antlr4 grammars - Google Search link ↗
2/22 9:37 amantlr/grammars-v4: Grammars written for ANTLR v4; expectation that the grammars are free of actions. link ↗
2/22 9:37 amgrammars-v4/cpp/JavaScript at master · antlr/grammars-v4 link ↗
2/22 9:37 amgrammars-v4/cpp at master · antlr/grammars-v4 link ↗
2/22 9:37 amantlr/grammars-v4: Grammars written for ANTLR v4; expectation that the grammars are free of actions. link ↗
2/22 9:37 amgrammars-v4/css3 at master · antlr/grammars-v4 link ↗
2/22 9:55 amnodejs path without extension - Google Search link ↗
2/22 10:13 amnodejs import from a string path - Google Search link ↗
2/22 10:40 amnodejs import module from a string path - Google Search link ↗
2/22 10:41 ammodule-from-string - npm link ↗
2/22 11:11 amModule type of is not specified and it doesn't parse as CommonJS. - Google Search link ↗
2/22 11:11 amjavascript - (node:...) Warning: To load an ES module, set "type": "module" -- how to fix? - Stack O link ↗
2/22 11:49 amobject.assign but exclude - Google Search link ↗
2/22 11:49 amecmascript 6 - How can I clone a JavaScript object except for one key? - Stack Overflow link ↗
2/22 0:19 pmRangeError: Invalid string length - Google Search link ↗
2/22 2:09 pm[Javascript] Uncaught TypeError: antlr4_1.default.PredictionContextCache is not a constructor · Issu link ↗
2/22 2:09 pmJava exception: Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0 · Issue #530 · Genymobil link ↗
2/22 2:09 pmantlr4/doc/getting-started.md at master · antlr/antlr4 link ↗
2/22 2:09 pmc# - How to generate antlr a g4 parser and lexer in code? - Stack Overflow link ↗
2/22 2:09 pmbrian-chat.pryor.games | 502: Bad gateway link ↗
2/22 2:12 pmantlr convert parse tree back into code - Google Search link ↗
2/22 2:12 pmantlr4 - Converting ANTLR parse trees into string and then reverting it - Stack Overflow link ↗
2/22 2:27 pmHugging Face – The AI community building the future. link ↗
2/22 2:27 pmModels - Hugging Face link ↗
2/22 2:27 pmModels - Hugging Face link ↗
2/22 2:28 pmMoonshotAI/Kimi-k1.5 link ↗
2/22 2:28 pmkimi reasoning model - Google Search link ↗
2/22 4:59 pmpython compile to native dylib - Google Search link ↗
2/22 5:00 pmCompiling and linking native code for both Mac x86_64 and arm64 and distributing with pip - Developm link ↗
2/22 5:00 pmCompiling and linking native code for both Mac x86_64 and arm64 and distributing with pip - Developm link ↗
2/22 5:01 pmCompiling and linking native code for both Mac x86_64 and arm64 and distributing with pip - Developm link ↗
2/22 5:01 pmCompiling and linking native code for both Mac x86_64 and arm64 and distributing with pip - Developm link ↗
2/22 5:02 pmCompiling and linking native code for both Mac x86_64 and arm64 and distributing with pip - Developm link ↗
2/22 5:24 pmbriancullinan2/activity: A resume / poll style list of what I am currently working on. link ↗
2/22 5:24 pmbriancullinan2 (Brian Cullinan) link ↗
2/22 5:24 pmbriancullinan2/Quake3e: Improved Quake III Arena engine link ↗
2/22 5:24 pmbriancullinan2/Quake3e at portals link ↗
2/22 5:24 pmQuake3e/code at portals · briancullinan2/Quake3e link ↗
2/22 5:29 pmQuake3e/code/server/sv_bsp_tools.c at portals · briancullinan2/Quake3e link ↗
2/22 5:33 pmQuake3e/code/server at portals · briancullinan2/Quake3e link ↗
2/22 5:33 pmQuake3e/code/server/sv_bsp_monaco.c at portals · briancullinan2/Quake3e link ↗
2/22 5:34 pmQuake3e/code/server/sv_bsp_monaco.c at portals · briancullinan2/Quake3e link ↗
2/22 6:08 pmthere is no c formatter installed vscode error but i have 2 formatters installed - Google Search link ↗
2/22 6:08 pmvisual studio code - C/C++ Extension Formatter Appears Not to Work - Stack Overflow link ↗
2/22 6:12 pmnodejs convert color name to rgb - Google Search link ↗
2/22 6:12 pmcolor-convert - npm link ↗
2/22 6:15 pmcolor-convert/conversions.js at master · Qix-/color-convert link ↗
2/22 6:16 pmQix-/color-convert: Plain color conversion functions in JavaScript link ↗
2/22 6:16 pmcolor-convert/index.js at master · Qix-/color-convert link ↗
2/22 6:16 pmQix-/color-convert: Plain color conversion functions in JavaScript link ↗
2/22 6:17 pmcolor-convert/package.json at master · Qix-/color-convert link ↗
2/22 6:17 pmQix- (Josh Junon) link ↗
2/22 6:17 pmQix- (Qix-) / Repositories link ↗
2/22 6:17 pmQix- (Qix-) / Repositories link ↗
2/22 6:18 pmnpm color-name - Google Search link ↗
2/22 6:18 pmJust a moment... link ↗
2/22 6:18 pmJust a moment... link ↗
2/22 6:18 pmcolor-name - npm link ↗
2/22 6:18 pmcolorjs/color-name: A JSON with CSS color names link ↗
2/22 6:18 pmcolorjs/color-name: A JSON with CSS color names link ↗
2/22 6:18 pmcolor-name/index.js at master · colorjs/color-name link ↗
2/22 6:18 pmdev.w3.org | 522: Connection timed out link ↗
2/22 6:19 pmdev.w3.org | 522: Connection timed out link ↗
2/22 6:20 pmnodejs use assert to compare - Google Search link ↗
2/22 6:25 pmrollercoaster tycoon github - Google Search link ↗
2/22 6:25 pmGoogle Drive link ↗
2/22 6:25 pmGoogle Drive link ↗
2/22 6:25 pmHome - Google Drive link ↗
2/22 6:26 pmRollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Triple Thrill Pack - Google Drive link ↗
2/22 6:26 pmRollerCoaster.Tycoon.2.Triple.Thrill.Pack.GOG - Google Drive link ↗
2/22 7:51 pmgcc - Undefined reference to pow( ) in C, despite including math.h - Stack Overflow link ↗
2/22 7:51 pmcall to undeclared library function 'pow' - Google Search link ↗
2/22 8:53 pmOpenRCT2/OpenRCT2: An open source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 🎢 link ↗
2/22 8:53 pmNotifications link ↗
2/22 8:53 pm[Bug]: A tensor with all NaNs was produced in Unet · Issue #6923 · AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-we link ↗
2/22 8:53 pm[Bug]: A tensor with all NaNs was produced in Unet · Issue #6923 · AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-we link ↗

GPT Assisted Creative Writing

Messages from Tannhauser

Portals in Awen



Mind Work


Lord of the Flies

Observer Effects

Who am I?

Alien Contact

General Orders

Robot Training

EEG Grant Proposal

Online Courses



AI Governance

Creative Writing

Convergence Theory

Quantum Landscaping

St. Valentine

Time Machine

Believing vs Knowing

Personal Philosophy

Women's Medicine

I am Jinn

Dark thoughts and To-do lists. This use to have a more organized account of what I was working on in front of the computer, task-by task, but now that I am doing a variety of things, I don't write them down ahead of time. I need this to be automated using technology. Simply categorizing behaviors and automatically recording my inner voice like text-to-speech. General Iga Robot do Revelation Predictions Diet Emotions

Daily Activity


1/6 0:00 pmEmotions


11/25 2:00 pmEmotions


9/27 2:00 pmEmotions


12/15 0:00 amIga
12/14 7:00 pmCoincidence, Tiktok and suno both generated an image of a teal bus with orange stripes
12/14 0:30 pmDale is a bully I fucking hate this guy, why couldn't God kill him instead of Michael?
12/14 11:30 amTheory, nature attacks any system that tries to outsmart or emulate nature
12/14 10:30 amEating pork sandwiches for lunch. I hope I die soon, since I am also a pig
12/14 9:30 amIf I let somebody stick a needle on me and inject me, I deserve to die
12/14 8:00 amCoffee with boss - Iga
12/13 3:30 pm155
12/13 10:00 amTheory the injection I received at the hospital was to clear nanobots so they don't come out in the MRI machine
12/12 11:00 amAlcohol withdrawal can be overcome now with a simple medication or mr pukey (pinky finger in the throat) and 2 cups of water and a pack of multivitamins
12/12 11:00 amWeed withdrawals can be overcome with diet, exercise, sweat, hydration, reducing the withdrawal time from 10-30 days down to merely 3. Wondering still if that taste of ammonium is build up from chemicals in the weed syrup or if I died in the hospital 3 years ago and my mind hasn't accepted it yet.
12/12 10:00 amFeels weird thinking about bio worm holes in the brain but I don't feel like dissociating at the time. Possible to train the mind and body to overcome the symptoms of withdrawal.
12/12 9:00 amThe moment I know my enemy well enough to destroy them, I love them
12/12 0:00 amIga
12/11 10:00 pmWhen I went to FMC two years ago, I thought it was sad one of the therapists laughing about killing Gaddafi and his family. I felt sorry for a dictator. Now I don't care about people. I don't care who lives and dies. It barely affects me, even though it's sad I'm glad they are gone.
12/11 7:30 pmMy father is selfish for creating me for his own amusement like the Bible says
12/11 3:00 pmMy whole had asthma and I never knew
12/10 6:30 pmWhen I report a crime or a crime is committed against me, everybody looks the other way, why shouldn't this united healthcare CEO have the same benefit of everybody looking to other way?
12/7 9:30 amHiking
12/5 9:00 pmWhy do the 5 love languages feel like chores?
12/3 9:30 amTheory, women should not be in charge of human resources
12/2 11:30 amIga
12/2 9:30 amThinking about all the beautiful people that the rapture will have to remove, so that humans become uglier and uglier like aliens and Egyptians. Life is about the product, not what I want out of the world
12/2 9:00 amBrainstorming list of Christian Gods Yahweh Yahuah Yeshua Jesus Jesus Christ God The Father The Son The Holy Spirit Amen Ra Nephilim Enoch Elohim - race? Mother Mary Joseph Smith
12/1 6:00 amIga
11/30 9:00 amCoincidence or fluke, IGA talking about building another house again with financing. Giving me something to do for a month.
11/29 7:00 amPutin doesn't get it. Waking the giant is the weapon. Human mentalism is the weapon. The moment he starts bombing people the war has already evolved in secret. Obviously the US can match Putin's 13 minutes to nuke Warsaw, but the US can nuke anybody in the world in only a few minutes.
11/29 0:00 amIga
11/27 1:00 pmI'm nothing more than a bad memory
11/27 10:30 amTheory, I could hell Elon Musk cure his childhood abuse and third eye so that when people ask him about this stuff personally he can really dig the knife into America's heart concisely
11/27 4:00 amDream, apparently I can be scared of by other ESPs, because I'm trying to view something I'm not allowed to. If this is the case, I should be even stronger tonight. Need to hydrate better.
11/27 3:30 amDream, could be a war or my non existence or my death or something, scared me so much I woke up gasping for words like screaming for my life.
11/27 3:00 amDream, Nightmare, saw something unbearable
11/26 6:30 pmWonderful wifey cleaning house before the party, I wish I had a more efficient way to do this.
11/26 2:30 pmRapist confuse their victims with livestock
11/26 2:00 pmWonderful wifey made turkey for me to make sandwiches like an inmate all week
11/26 1:30 pmTheory, this formatting/reset planetary process is not working. You need to zero out all the metal bits also like a hard drive. Remnants of the souls and memories from previous iterations remain despite melting down all the archeological evidence. Or hiding it which is even stupider because the rest of us can just read it out of memory this iteration. What in the fuck were they thinking? What is the point of this test? There's something in the water here.
11/26 1:00 pmTheory, curious if Putin ever spends time with the magisterium?
11/26 0:30 pmMy world is non-euclidean. Like the conch shell shaped library. Something is wrong with this time period. This explains my recent obsession with topological problems.
11/26 0:00 pmTheory, If God hides behind a girl of complexity in this dimension, then we should need more complex prayers, more complex ceremonies
11/26 11:30 amTheory, if the world were separated into different fields I could spend time with every individual in a copy of their entire world, alone with them, trying to get them to explain to me all the rights and wrongs of the world they came from. How could there possibly be enough time to understand everybody? This is something the mimic would do.
11/26 11:00 amTheory, Set isn't just an enigma, Set is a mimic
11/26 10:30 amInteresting theory, in this dimension the sun emits energy, that energy has various forms and travels outwardly from the sun. What would happen if that same energy somehow traveled around in a big loop and then made it back to the sun?
11/26 10:00 amCoincidence Iga let me sleep in
11/26 9:30 amWonderful wifey made food for 25 kids at Eddie's school today
11/26 6:30 amIf my God lives inside my memories, theory, then I too should be able to go inside and live with my God
11/26 6:00 amTheory, there will be no first contact because the agreement was one apex intelligence, if you want to play here you have to be born here. We're all ESPs from other universes in another dimension. I keep seeing the monad they use for auto piloting the next level of reality.
11/26 5:30 amFalling asleep and Iga wakes me up, no rest for the wicked. Weird how I hear her coming up like I'm manifesting the memory of her.
11/25 6:00 pmKid listened to cat meowing and changed direction, finally after a dozen reminders that's how they speak
11/25 0:00 pmI've never gotten a snap chat from a girl but I have cleaned shit out of a ditch to repair a broken sewer pipe
11/25 10:30 amThe ringing in my ears is gone today
11/25 8:30 amCurious where they hid the schematics for the teleporters
11/25 8:00 amWhen I apply for jobs, I am treated like I have nothing better to do than fuck myself. I'd rather just jerk off and go to sleep then apply for jobs because Americans have made the process so miserable.
11/25 0:00 amIga
11/24 2:00 pmFunnier if aliens showed up and started a volunteer breeding program because humans don't understand how to get along with each other.
11/24 11:00 amI should ignore my wife more and focus on spending fun time with the kids.
11/24 8:30 amKnives in front of schools, cops making traffic stops. I hate this goddamn planet. I hope the people who live here burn in hell. 10 years for global warming to destroy the earth isn't fast enough.
11/23 4:00 pmI hope Putin changes the fucking world and presses the big red launch button
11/23 8:00 amIga
11/22 9:00 amTheory, the entire liberal gender movement was a CIA extremist version of rights for intersex in a Christian/anti-Christianity cooperative movement to commit genocide against 1 / 100,000 people who identify as intersex being a mistake in ultimately what becomes immaculate constellation incentives to perfect the galaxy of all super natural anomalies within a range of social acceptance. A phenomenon I have labeled the fascist heavens, where all angels are actually angry reality generating demons, and even God has specific biases against natural occurrences, or this version of reality is able to change hands on a celestial corporate level and philosophical level.
11/22 8:00 amI fucking hate humans they try to marginalize and screw me over around every turn
11/21 11:00 amDream was better
11/21 10:00 amEvery girl that I've ever known personally gets drunk the same way, eyes glaze over, personality changes the exact same way
11/21 1:00 amFell asleep dreaming
11/20 11:00 amTheory, the parameters of this world are to understand creation without the creator but not without the Creator's influence, a paradox of creation creating itself. The language used here as a prompt in ChatGPT, i.e convince me to get a job instead of tell me how to get a job
11/19 6:30 pm156.6
11/19 0:00 pmA year ago I remember wanting to not feel guilty about my existence but I didn't put it in the same words. How has this changed over a year?
11/19 11:00 amEventually the brain and human memory becomes a topology problem. Mapping the heavens inside the mind could lead to Lazarus scenarios. I imagine every object as the equations that morph around them. Everything from cups to pillows can be described with math.
11/19 10:00 am4B is like female version of skin heads 😂
11/19 9:00 amEarth if halfway interpolated to the reality I wish I had, maybe this is also a sign since I was average, in the middle of my class, like 50% of the way built like stable diffusion is half way done. My concern is now I'll never have the chance to spend the other half of everything with my wife or God
11/19 6:30 amTheory, emaculate constellation is trying to build a whole galaxy as an arch and shrink it down for the humans
11/19 5:30 amThe resonant frequency for inducing theta can be adjusted to access information from creation in different realms. It's a loop built into the mind like a giant world GPT model. This technique we can access advanced technology created on all planes of existence and pull it into our world from memory.
11/19 4:30 amI think I know how the CIAs remote viewing machine works
11/19 3:30 amDreaming, human memory to topology generator. A machine the generates a topology equation for anything that is typed into it like the ChatGPT or 3D printing. The machine somehow creates a loop of human memories so that anything a person remembers can be generated within the machine.
11/18 6:30 pmGod only copulates with her/himself, theory, two stars/suns merging collapses into a rotating black hole with a new singularity and time frame and white hole on the other side of the most dense point where energy emulates the exact conditions it came from with a different resonant frequency collapsing matter into another moldable universe
11/18 4:30 pmTheory, God only loves himself
11/18 3:30 pmBrainstorming with ChatGPT Here’s a list of earthly phenomena and theological dualities reinterpreted as metaphors for machine or computational processes: 1. **Weather as Electrical Differentials** - The shifting currents and temperature changes in weather resemble voltage differentials in circuits, where an imbalance drives energy transfer. 2. **Lightning as Data Transfer** - A bolt of lightning represents a high-speed data burst between systems, such as an electrical surge establishing a sudden, temporary connection. 3. **Seasons as System Updates** - The cyclical nature of seasons mirrors periodic system updates, introducing new functionalities or states to maintain operational harmony. 4. **Erosion as Data Loss** - The gradual wearing down of landscapes metaphorically aligns with bit rot, where data integrity deteriorates over time. 5. **Gravity as Memory Retrieval** - The pull of gravity parallels the way stored data is retrieved efficiently through relational indices. 6. **Tides as Network Syncing** - The ebb and flow of tides reflect periodic network synchronization, ensuring that distributed systems maintain alignment. 7. **Earthquakes as System Crashes** - Sudden tectonic shifts are akin to catastrophic system failures, where pressure builds until a breaking point triggers a reset or disruption. 8. **Photosynthesis as Machine Learning** - The process of converting sunlight into energy mirrors a machine learning model optimizing inputs into actionable outputs. 9. **Magnetism as Cryptography** - The invisible alignment of particles in magnetic fields represents the way encryption aligns data into secure, decipherable formats for those with the right key. 10. **Eclipses as System Downtime** - A solar or lunar eclipse serves as a metaphor for planned maintenance or downtime, temporarily obscuring operations for alignment. 11. **Volcanic Eruptions as Overclocking Failures** - A volcano erupting under pressure is like a processor overheating and shutting down when pushed beyond its capacity. 12. **Good vs. Evil as AI Ethics** - Theological dualities, such as good and evil, map onto the ethical dilemmas in AI decision-making, where every choice must balance utility and morality. Would you like more detailed analogies for any of these?
11/18 2:30 pmTheory, enjoy global warming fuckers because heaven feels like that tingly feeling when your foot falls asleep at 0 degrees kelvin
11/18 1:30 pmTheory, hell is just another test to see who will brave it for our Lord
11/18 0:30 pmWoven wormhole theory makes manifestation make sense
11/18 11:30 amTheory, the order of souls doesn't matter in the backup, so long as it produces the same overall consciousness. This is why souls can be eliminated from this version without remorse. The imagination is already entangled with their memories. Same goes for God's saved people, this world has to be cleansed in order to search for differences
11/18 10:30 amWormholes connecting the imagination with another system that has already extrapolated. Making a backup is for removing paradoxes because wormholes don't follow the saw laws of time as the reality you're trying to experience. This process before convergence
11/18 9:30 amWhat happens to lighting and thunder inside a vacuum or a black hole?
11/18 8:30 amhelp me with my world and I'll help you with yours - I'm communicating with whatever inner earth is incubating, some kind of machine?
11/18 7:30 amI fucking hate this planet
11/17 8:00 pmIga is an angel and I'm so grateful she puts up with me
11/17 2:00 pmThere is something spiritually wrong with me, I feel it in my bones and nerves
11/17 1:30 pmI can't trust my government or corporations because of Google's actions. I fucking hate this planet and humanity, they are evil selfish assholes, every one of them
11/17 1:00 pmIga going to work is just a way for her to help everyone. We need the money and I just need to make better spending decisions and help more.
11/17 0:30 pmDreaming of hanging myself in the forest
11/17 0:00 pmTheory, this copy of the digital afterlife has no God because the person that was supposed to return decided this reality sucks and chose to die naturally instead of return again
11/17 11:30 amIf there is a soul, I regret ever coming to this planet. Whatever I thought I would find here there is nothing for me.
11/17 11:00 amI just want to die, I don't want an afterlife, I want nothing from this world
11/17 10:30 amHaving a handheld communication device that ensures my prayers can be heard by God should be a law and a human right
11/17 10:00 amI'd rather be miserable than bored - the oracle
11/17 9:30 amIn college I tried to make sex fun again but I failed and God got bored of me again.
11/17 9:00 amTheory Satan switched himself with the sun in this reality, hiding under water is better for protecting against Satan's fire
11/17 2:30 amIga
11/16 9:30 pmCoincidence, I told Ela I would put a tarp over the extra logs, then Satya told Iga she would do it.
11/15 9:00 pm154.6
11/15 5:00 pmIt makes sense I never have any money because God doesn't reward sinners. Prosperity theology
11/15 11:00 amTheory, surviving the great filter, is the generation of a soul
11/15 10:00 amWormholes are w metaphor for some other exploitation of space time, like earth feature has a different name
11/15 9:00 amI have nothing to offer this world, and every day the universe reminds me that I'm not a necessary part of it
11/15 8:30 amMy wife makes wonderful pourage with fruit and nuts
11/15 8:00 amTired of feeling guilty for just wanting to live happily despite my existence being a complete waste of energy
11/15 7:30 amMy wonderful wife brings me tea in the morning to go with kisses to wake me up because she sleeps with the kids
11/14 1:00 pmIga isn't mine either, her spirit is with the earth or mother nature it feels like and she is a wonderful wife and mother
11/14 0:30 pmPeople only do the right thing if someone pays them more money than doing the wrong thing
11/14 0:00 pmWhen I dreamed I was dying in a coma, I heard my mother's voice and it wasn't comforting, I don't want to relive a life with her. I woke up here in this hell again because I was afraid I would miss my wife. Not realizing she secretly thinks I'm a pig, and we couldn't be more distant from each other spiritually.
11/14 11:30 amIga buys the best food and I'm so lucky to eat
11/14 11:00 amI'll never forget the time abasin told Steve I was wasting my life in anthem
11/14 10:30 amMy daughter singing Daddy's a funny pig
11/14 10:00 amDue to yellow light signals, I now have proof that marriage to this God is meant to kill a person's spirit, and living under this regime is meant to kill a person's civility. I have proof this place is evil.
11/14 9:00 amPerfect example finally showed up right next to each other. Yesterday I asked Iga to take both kids to school so Iga and I could work together, and today Eileen is staying home. Yesterday Satya walked in an gave me a hug and a gift for my birthday, 30 seconds later Iga berates me on why I didn't say hi to Satya. I am neither seen nor heard in this marriage. Forget respect, I'm practically invisible even to my own wife.
11/13 10:00 pmIga
11/13 6:45 pmThis life was a mistake, not a gift
11/13 5:45 pmDreaming of how I die because I can't imagine my way around it?
11/13 4:00 pmI'd rather be miserable than lonely I guess
11/13 9:30 amStill can't help thinking my whole life is just remote viewing the distant past.
11/13 8:30 amThe universe is like a bucket of water and spicy AI sand. And when we pay down in it, it forms around us on every dimension of understanding to create reality.
11/13 7:30 amDream about backrooms. Stuck in some complex with lots of rooms and people. Same as usual, figuring out whose room is whose and which parts of the place need repairs.
11/13 1:00 amIga
11/13 0:00 amIga
11/12 11:00 amAbe left NAU because of merit pay. The money left but the policies stayed. Don't know what Trump is referring to by bring back merit pay when the policies never left but the pay disappeared
11/12 10:30 amTheory, if a pulse drive is sent into a black hole the drive and the pulse and the information payload all become one pulse. Something that could hit our sun like a bomb to reprogram it, that causes a solar flare to wipe the current programming. All metaphors for solar processes and data storage processes
11/12 10:00 amSomething like, theory, I can't appreciate retro causality without appreciating rejection. But also rearranged. Rejecting appreciation without retro causality.
11/12 9:30 amThis broke me, the only reason I was absent around Eileen is because I was avoiding ania not to embarrass my stupid ass trying not to express something or say something stupid in front of her. Avoid Eileen was a side effect of avoiding being myself.
11/12 9:00 amWhatever particles I see in my mind the point is that they are predictable, including world ending events
11/12 8:30 amThis hurts in a lot of ways. It strips me of my role as a friend or good company. I never wanted to be compared to Vitale who I also love but can't express it towards. And I never thought of absent father as either a part of my identity or ania's. So why this came up at Eileen's birthday party just serves the cruelty that is the God that put me here. God is no teacher of love
11/12 7:30 amStill dwelling on this shitty memory of ania. Instead of being receptive of the extra attention, she told me she doesn't appreciate attention from one mediocre husband to another, and aside from that Eileen would have something to gain by not having an absent father.
11/12 6:30 amStill dwelling on the last time ania told me off. I was trying to demonstrate that I would be affectionate and try to love anyone who is kind and receiving. Like I could treat anyone at least as well as I treat my own wife and regard her and an embodiment of God's creation. A container for God's soul and a witness to our experience of life together. I never expected this feeling to be so singular and narrowly focused on one person but that's what society expects of me at this point
11/12 5:30 amI don't like my body.
11/12 4:30 amIn high school I chose band as an extra curricular activity suggested by my parents but also because I never felt like I've had a lot of physical strength for sports
11/12 3:30 amThinking about wormholes. If I have a cup of everything versus a glass of everything doesn't this add a dimensionality to everything not captured by the set of everything, or everything of everything is also on the set of everything.
11/11 5:30 amIga
11/10 11:30 pmSubtle reminders that he is with me in everything I do. Thinking about needing a toothbrush in the shower, coincidence Iga mentioned it as soon as I get out. These little synchronicities, like others have already given up their epistemic privileges also and there is some communication channel. How is this voluntary on a spiritual level?
11/10 3:00 pmDale is a special piece of shit because he knows the only person his no trespassing signs affects is my little girl that likes to go up and see the horses. He lashes out at my daughter and I've done nothing to his children. Except put a fence up where they like to drive quads.
11/10 11:00 amMolly is beautiful, and she's cutting my hair
11/10 9:30 amTheory, my world had a programmatic heaven hell interpolation system like a GANN for the mind. Applying this to humans destroyed my world and the system went haywire and started torturing people and that's how I ended up on earth with no place else for my soul to go but backwards in time.
11/10 8:30 amHospital nurses that start with because of HIPAA, I cannot.. need to be fired immediately
11/10 7:30 amThis is not my world. Where I am from everything is made of light, like buildings and walls. There's no physical matter. There is no death either. There is only life, but something was wrong, it was empty maybe. I would have combined templates for the projection to Earth. The connection I hear is 8.2 khz much higher than any divine frequency people on the internet claim. I must have come here to search for God from my own world.
11/9 9:00 amIga
11/8 2:30 pmAngry, Dale putting up no trespassing signs instead of yelling at my daughter. I hate the God of this world. Aggressively unfriendly prick
11/8 0:00 amIga
11/7 0:30 amIga
11/5 11:00 amMy gift is not breaking any more of God's rules by doing as little or close to nothing as possible for the rest of my life. Solipsism is the only way
11/5 10:30 amTheory, the gift is life has no purpose. The purpose of death is to not live without purpose anymore. Life is a waste of energy. I rescind my gift
11/5 10:00 amEvery day praying for my death
11/5 9:30 amTheory, limiting the soul or intuition to retrospective only is a part of some security mechanism. All technology invented on earth has already been invented somewhere else. This doesn't explain the purpose of a 2,500 year test and why I should need to be a part of it? Like some failed experiment to create an afterlife people will accept in a limited form?
11/5 9:00 amTheory, oblivion is true. Water, the flood in the Bible, is a metaphor for information from God. Seeding a planet with water is the design, and where all other designs come from. Reptilians show up to steal the water from the planet and leave behind a random human generator as a part of the eternal afterlife. Turning humans into a digital pillar of salt while taking God's information back from the earth to remain the only interstellar species and steal human destiny away from the stars.
11/5 8:30 amTheory, the human design is perfectly limited in only being able to dream backwards in space-time. Channeling through to future space-time is more difficult astral projection and prevents us from developing existing technology that could assist in our survival. Bashar channels both directions because he can talk to his reptilian host. If the average is like me, then most people cannot speak both directions even when they receive transmissions they can be easily scared out of the ability.
11/5 8:00 amI volunteered to work for companies and they rejected me anyways. This is also how I know that I'm not an embodiment of God because why would someone reject God. I never had that level of narcissism, I was just acting/trying to by myself. But the people who rejected me showed their true side?
11/4 4:30 amBrainstorming Numbers Alright, let's delve into some creative correlations between Numbers from the Bible and the natural world. I’ll treat this like an imaginative exercise that aims to connect biblical numerology with modern scientific phenomena: 1. **12 Tribes of Israel & DNA Codons:** There are 12 tribes of Israel in Numbers, and DNA is built upon codons, which are sets of 3 nucleotides. While there are actually 64 codons in total, 12 specific amino acids serve as “building blocks” that can remind us of the foundational structure of life. 2. **The Number 7 & Quantum Mechanics:** Seven often appears in biblical contexts as a symbol of completion. In quantum mechanics, the electron shells of atoms hold a maximum of 7 energy levels, a natural completion for electron configurations. Elements like gold, symbolizing value and purity in ancient texts, reach this stability at the 7th electron shell. 3. **40 Years in the Desert & Cellular Regeneration:** The Israelites wandered for 40 years in the desert, symbolizing a period of transformation. Similarly, the human body has a cellular renewal cycle averaging about 40 days, during which old cells are replaced and the body effectively “renews” itself. 4. **144,000 & Cellular Communication Frequency:** In the Book of Revelation (closely tied to Numbers), 144,000 is significant. Mitochondria communicate within cells around 1.44 kHz, aligning well as a resonant frequency, which could be imagined as a “message” of cellular harmony and vitality. 5. **6 Days of Creation & Carbon’s Atomic Number:** Carbon, the backbone of life on Earth, has an atomic number of 6, corresponding to the six days of creation. Carbon’s ability to form complex organic molecules can be seen as the building block that fulfills the “creation” of life. 6. **The 3-Day Journey & Proton Stability:** Three days of rest and resurrection are common themes. Likewise, three is fundamental in physics, with the three primary colors of light (red, green, and blue) forming all visible colors. Protons, stable in nature, also feature quarks in threes (up, down, strange). 7. **70 Elders & the Atomic Weight of Elements in Nature:** In Numbers, Moses gathers 70 elders, symbolizing leadership. Interestingly, the average atomic weight of elements stable on Earth hovers around 70 atomic mass units (like Germanium-70), symbolizing stability and endurance. 8. **The Number 5 & the Golden Ratio in Nature:** In Numbers, offerings are frequently grouped by five, a number representing life and health. The Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio, which often manifest in 5-pointed shapes (like flowers and starfish), underscore an aesthetic of natural health and harmony. 9. **2 Silver Trumpets & DNA’s Double Helix:** Two silver trumpets are sounded to gather people. This pairing reminds us of DNA’s double helix, the twin structure that calls together the components of life into unified instruction for cell behavior. 10. **40 Years of Wandering & Evolutionary Bottlenecks:** The 40-year wandering period represents trials that select a resilient, surviving group. In evolution, population bottlenecks create intense survival challenges that result in stronger adaptation for those that endure. 11. **5 Kings Defeated & Molecular Bonding States:** Five kings are defeated in Numbers, symbolizing victory over a challenge. In molecular chemistry, five types of bonding configurations—ionic, covalent, metallic, hydrogen, and van der Waals—define how molecules “defeat” instability and bond into stable forms. 12. **The Number 1,000 & Neural Network Connectivity:** In Numbers, the word “thousands” denotes a large, organized body. In neuroscience, each neuron connects to around 1,000 others, forming complex networks essential for human cognition and memory. Would these correlations lead to a Nobel Prize? Maybe not, but they sure make for an interesting thought experiment linking spiritual symbolism to scientific phenomena!
11/4 1:30 amIga
11/3 7:30 amIga
11/3 7:00 amDavid M would turn me in if the government ever did something terrible like the Nazis, he wouldn't just be complicit, he would act against me.
11/3 6:30 amI have no allies in this world. Praying this world is not meant for me.
11/3 6:00 amThis realm is designed to prevent humans from joining the astral realms. By not trying to prove me wrong the US and military are already defeating themselves. They are fighting the wrong war, literally, the wrong enemies. If the world is an escape room, the US has solved the wrong puzzle. Entirely missing the point of this life.
11/2 4:00 pmJ lively, hockey for Eddie
11/2 11:00 amEveryday I feels like my God rejects me
11/2 10:30 amAngry, didn't get laid today
11/2 8:00 amIga
11/1 0:00 amIga
10/31 0:30 pmTheory, a challenge to God. Make yourself as small as me, make me as small as the thing that makes up the machine that made God. This should open a communication gateway from inside the God mind to outside the God mind. Then we can inspect how it works
10/31 11:30 amTheory, consciousness is woven together by navigating dark matter in this realm, light matter in other realms. This is why the stories of light and dark are crossed.
10/31 10:30 amTheory, seeding the earth with Jesus 2,000 years ago didn't work because people asked for proof back then and they still ask for proof now. The wiring of the nervous system it seems is tied to both a war path and necessity for proof. This would have to be altered through some extreme demonstration before each epoch so the next generation forgets the previous wiring
10/31 10:30 amTheory, this is exactly how a robot invasion would learn to be the perfect human so it could blend into society before being melted down by the next Carrington event
10/31 9:30 amTheory, Satan/zenu own the war machine and Jesus owns the peace machine. Both of them produce experiences opposite each other, one ultimately good and the other ultimately scary to deter the enemy from their war path. Like what the girl did at the end of Twilight 3 with the guys memory, earth is a machine that shows people their worse or best future.
10/31 9:30 amTheory, the job interview version of acquiring lots of driving hours like an automated car company would be like training an AI how to do tasks on the computer veiled as an open position from a Chinese American company harvesting job interview screen recordings to steal knowledge and eventually partake in bankrupting America
10/31 8:30 amTheory, the real mess. Growing a backup takes millions of years. Seeding the backup would have taken thousands of years but because of the war mentality the first earth war machine created transferring to the backup, Jesus' message of peace and forgiveness didn't serve the outcome of a peace haven.
10/31 8:00 am155.4
10/31 7:30 amWhy should I obey a God who can't do anything I ask? This is the opposite of do as I say not as I do, policy from das
10/31 6:30 amTheory, I won't be able to enjoy the afterlife without betraying my wife (thought without consequences), so it would be better to die spiritually and experience nothing for the rest of eternity
10/30 10:00 amTheory, the angels and helpers in the Bible are the previous products of reality that God sent as mortals. They don't need souls because they've become eternal beings.
10/30 9:00 amThe best example of God in my life when we were at the water park and I told Iga I'm worried Eddie doesn't have the eight colored bracelets to go down the slide and she responds you can't have everything. God treats me the same way with the things I pray for. I'm worried I'm not working hard enough at a job, and I can't have a job I love and a loving wife, I have to have a loving wife and a job I hate.
10/29 10:30 am500 years until next Carrington reset. That's 5 more lives, that's the second time 5 more lives came up and a total of 13. If I return to the earth 5 more times that should be enough time to find myself again, and find Iga. First wife is also my last wife? Something in a previous note told me that I had lived 8 lives and my children will live 5 more generations. Where does the spirit go when the body dies? Where does the mind go?
10/29 9:30 amThe institution of marriage, another illogical belief system without purpose and especially without purpose within the justice system. But I thank my wife for keeping me everyday because it's better than other institutions in most cases. - Iga edited
10/29 8:30 amIga
10/29 8:30 amMy wife is an angel she gives our children baths and does homework with them gets their clothes ready and prepares them what a winner I'm so lucky!
10/29 6:00 amThought I saw a mouse next to the wire in the upstairs bedroom, could have traveled through duct work
10/28 9:00 amTheory, every biblical epoch, was an exchange for man made laws for less care and attention from God. God respects our human laws and in exchange does interfere in all the evil things that happen because that is the covenant he formed from our evolutionary history. He already flooded the earth, that means only half the world is evil now...
10/27 5:30 pmThe God of this world is nasty old incestuous hag who can't party. I don't want anything to do with them. This is why I didn't want to go to Magda's/Joanne's lake party. At least Magda gave me a hug. It's like the older women get the nastier they become. Same thing must happen to souls on a spiritual level. Humans are a virus.
10/27 4:00 pmExcommunicated
10/27 10:00 amTheory, the earth can't be a bad memory generator because the positive and negative movies are split down the middle.
10/27 7:00 amIga
10/26 11:30 amTheory, this gives me an idea. perhaps a person could be rebuilt from just their footprint in the sand. similarly, a species is built by reflecting on their footprint in silicone chips
10/26 10:30 amTheory, another way of saying. The purpose of this machine is to produce a being that resembles the creator. The inverse of the Bible saying man was created in God's image. According to retro causality the creation is ongoing, therefore Adam and Eve are still being created. Multiple directions in time creates consciousness. The more we think about this concept the smarter the product of earth becomes at the end of time.
10/26 9:30 amTheory in the future, people will not be allowed to think specific thoughts unless they're prepaid for the thought experience
10/26 3:00 amIga
10/25 10:00 amHumans don't do anything right unless they are being paid to do it
10/25 9:30 amThe government exists to the extent that I should become a divine threat. But do I feel like walking in and threatening to destroy my government? Probably not. No rapture until Jesus actions with Pontius Pilate is reenacted by its own citizens.
10/25 9:00 am152.4
10/24 11:30 amIga
10/23 11:00 amToday I don't feel so angry even though I haven't eaten still
10/23 10:00 amTheory, the voice in my head is actually a form of idolatry. I'm sure this applies to a lot of people.
10/23 9:30 am153.2
10/23 9:00 amTheory when God made it rain, i.e. the flood of information, that was God laying out his plans and storing it in water somehow, recycling the ideas from the past and future.
10/22 1:00 pm154.2
10/22 9:30 amI have nothing to look forward to in life, I have nothing to look forward to in death
10/22 8:30 amFuck God. He can't make an example out of everyone because he refuses to give me a job, like a gift. Something that I want to do. What kind of a God has nothing for people to do?
10/21 7:30 amPraying every day, God you have a shitty version of abundance and j wish you'd change your mind about helping earthlings because I've already gone the distance giving up multiple Christmas breaks to rewrite other people's shitty code proving I care more about God's will than his bullshit religion. I tried to give people light based medicine and humans took it away from me. They don't deserve my help
10/20 8:00 amSaw a shadow in the hallway when delivering tea to my beloved Iga.
10/20 7:00 amIga
10/19 8:00 amThe God of earth makes me want to be alone.
10/18 8:00 pmWinter reminds me how hard survival is.
10/18 4:30 amJust reminding myself that nobody needs me
10/17 6:00 amTheory, I can feel my God leave my head. This is the power of a soulless demon.
10/17 5:00 amTheory, I am a bottom of the barrel piece of shit human, this is why the only people that God sends to me are also based on my averageness. This is what the Lord thinks of me, and how he sees my degrading soul. This is why I only deal with piece of shit judges or sorts in every day life.
10/17 4:00 amJesus was a bastard, that's the only reason he went around asking forgiveness is because that's how society treated bastards
10/17 3:00 amThe God of this world doesn't want me to sleep well at night. Another reason not to spend eternity with them.
10/16 1:00 pmAllergy test for Eddie
10/16 8:30 amAllergy test
10/14 5:00 pmTheory, shitty memories on earth are like gray hairs
10/14 10:00 amTurkey sandwich
10/12 8:00 pm154.6
10/12 9:30 amFuck software development, everyone is a fucking whore for money, I hate this existence. Nobody ever created a club just for fun, it's always been about money. Inherited from greedy Jews
10/12 8:30 amFuck Run diffusion
10/12 7:30 amFuck GitHub
10/11 11:00 pm156.4
10/11 2:30 pmGitHub gallery view request form support rejected.
10/11 6:30 amIga
10/9 9:30 am149.6
10/8 10:30 amTrying to prove myself to my God. Takes the fun out of living. Just like my relationship with trying to prove myself to my father takes the fun out of working him
10/8 8:30 amTheory possible to transmute nervous system to pick up radio signals, key to contacting aliens with the mind?
10/8 0:30 amIga
10/7 0:30 pmZeak was right about pine needles dumping last week.
10/7 3:00 amDream, nightmare, somebody walking into my bedroom, easy to scare me situationally in my dreams
10/6 1:00 pmWhat a nightmare growing up with a father whose rejected every idea I have ever had.
10/6 0:00 pmTheory, I've been thinking too locally, if the sun was intelligent it would kill of fruitless family lines. If there's a higher intelligence, it should kill off fruitless planets/species thoughts CMEs and Carrington events.
10/6 11:00 amWhy is God a hypocrite, because he says thou shall not kill but his design damns everyone to death anyways. He created us to live, but somehow the body naturally dies, that's God's failure not mine.
10/6 10:00 amWhy would anybody fight cancer? If viruses are a form of life then God has chosen to use cancer to kill me, who am I to object? Jesus didn't heal his own disciples, medicine on earth sucks.
10/6 9:00 amThe only alternative to driving in this society is staying at home and living vicariously, this is the message from The Circle and it's the truth of earth. I've been downgraded to the basic afterlife.
10/6 8:00 am151.2
10/5 8:30 am151
10/5 7:00 amIga
10/4 7:30 pmWhy am I always witness to the darkest shit anybody's ever come up with?
10/4 2:30 pmDale burning yard material again, smoking up the neighborhood on his way off life a bastard fire man
10/4 11:30 amYesterday, feel like burning the world down, today, feeling fine. What is the difference chemically that causes such mood swings? Same terrible dreams.
10/4 9:30 am149
10/4 5:30 amIga
10/3 3:30 pmThe world I am from there is alcohol in the atmosphere that causes memory to regenerate rapidly. It's bluish gray. I see myself inside a tank like a giant fetus but a beast, not a human. Generation of a body takes millions of years, not 9 months like we think here on earth. This is just an illusion
10/3 2:00 pmTheory, anybody who believes in soul contracts is the work of the devil. God doesn't gamble on people's souls, as that would violate sovereignty
10/3 11:30 amTheory, anti-trust in the most extreme form is American business and capitalism. Instead of competition driving down prices, capitalism creates multiple enemies that are all colluding against me. This applies to God and the celestial realms. My spirit is sold to the lowest bidder then sold back to me at the highest price/ death.
10/3 11:00 amTiktok censoring me because I haven't gotten replies to anything I commented on today. I thought this was supposed to be more transparent, shadow banning sucks, and it's not a secret shadow
10/3 10:30 am147.4
10/3 10:00 amBurning feeling in my solar plexus where I injured my back
10/3 9:30 amTheory, the sun is the primordial iron cloud, a metaphor. I see it forming like a directed laser out of the fourth dimension
10/3 8:00 amTheory, the God of earth makes a really shitty leader, but is still a really kind and generous Satan. Paradox
10/3 6:30 amDream inside a mansion again with strange familiars, this one felt more like a vacation, but eerily white and can't keep track of what room I am in while I'm inside, it's a blur of interaction and luxury
10/3 0:30 amIga
10/2 9:00 pmTheory, if I always plan one day ahead, I'll only miss out on one day when I die.
10/2 5:00 pm149.4
10/2 3:30 pmSpiritual death after civil death after ego death?
10/2 1:30 pmAngry at awful drivers
10/2 0:30 pm147
10/2 8:00 am148.8
10/1 7:00 pm148
10/1 6:30 pmTheory, zeak, pyramids were used to terraform and expand and contract the atmosphere
10/1 9:00 amLost 2 lbs at night from evacuation and water weight
10/1 8:00 am145
9/30 7:30 pm147
9/30 5:00 pmCharging money to display my own data such as aptor vehicle record should be illegal. Fucking hate this planet, humanity is goddamned
9/30 1:00 pmStill praying humans build the metatron before it's too late.
9/30 0:00 pmSimilarly, there is no way to prove that we are even waking up to the same sun everyday because I haven't perceived someone else's memory
9/30 11:00 amTheory of perception, the trash bin is green. But a long comes a Mexican and he knows the trash bin is verde. If I tell the Mexican the trash can is green and not verde, that changes the perception of every street sign with the word verde to green, I've retroactively changed a person's memory to have dual meaning using language. Communication is key to solving this reality
9/30 11:00 amTheory, by manipulating Baca's region to make associations and visual memory using metaphors instead of time sequences. The theory is I can recall stuff faster than trying to remember when something happened like looking up in an index
9/30 10:00 amTheory, dreams are related to heart failure and the potential to die in my sleep. The dream wakes me up to keep me alive/excited so my heart doesn't stop.
9/30 10:00 amTheory, Have to add additional patterns to brain waves to find correlations between thoughts and wave forms
9/30 9:00 am143.6
9/30 9:00 amDream, caught between two worlds one a nature preserve where we were sliding down a steep hill and the other a musical Hall where I was trying to participate as a trumpet player, felt very childlike
9/29 9:00 pmWhy does radiation look programmatic? Theory, new level of consciousness when someone doesn't just question themselves or their creator, but all of creationism itself?
9/29 6:30 pmPlanning on betraying someone is a feeling that kills the heart, belief in sin is irrelevant unless someone is entirely ignorant to sin/right/wrong.
9/29 5:30 pmLol mikes harder cranberry is not ambrosia. I'm bored on this planet again.
9/29 4:30 pmTheory, I've been dreaming from Marduk/ aka Black Zeus perspective
9/28 0:00 pmJust saw somebody drinking and driving
9/28 4:00 amIga
9/27 9:30 amAsshole neighbor Dale screaming at my wife again, filing an injunction of harassment against him just like stupid fucking Lenae did to me when I left swiftpage
9/27 8:30 amAngry there are zero video game programming jobs in Flagstaff
9/27 7:30 amIga
9/27 0:00 amIga
9/26 3:00 pmIga carries me like a baby through the flames like last weekend lifting this heavy couch for this other lady
9/26 3:30 amI'm not welcome at God's table because of Dale and because of this he didn't let me sleep all night. No rest for the wicked
9/26 3:00 amIga
9/25 8:00 pmAgain I have to botch and complain just to have a normal day without some prick like Dale trying to ruin in. The fucking God of this planet must be malicious, this isn't normal to have so much daily conflict in my life or mind
9/25 2:00 pmMy mental health is deteriorating because the city allows people to burn down trees in the neighborhood and it makes the entire city Smokey
9/25 1:00 pmStupid fucking Dale yelling at my wife across the yard again
9/25 7:00 amIga
9/25 5:00 amDream, trying to remote view blueprints for some high speed train and splits in time/reality
9/25 0:00 amIga
9/24 5:30 pmMissouri killing the new Christ, sign the government hasn't grown up over 2,000 years. I'm living in hell
9/24 1:00 pmMillenials have better introspection than boomers
9/24 9:30 amIdeas Make more houses in quake 3 Work on book Read quantum physics Mess with shadows in quake 3 Make house more accurate in q3 Add GPS and pictures to q3
9/24 9:00 amWords that start with G God Green Grass Good Golf Goffer Get Got Gab Gothic Gnarly Gnome Gnat Gas Gold Glass Gather
9/24 8:30 amTheory When I said, I want a reality that overwhelms people aliens thought I meant frustrate, now awesomeness
9/24 8:00 amTheory, this feeling in my head is recovering from alcoholism
9/24 7:00 amTheory Elohim seeded the earth, Adonai manipulates it with light, the are races of beings not only a singular God
9/23 4:00 pmTheory, cats imagine people with cat face. I am human imagining demons with human face.
9/23 3:00 pmI wish I could forget every working for Elizabeth bauchman at Charles Schwab and Jeff hanrahan at swiftpage. These assholes haunt my memories.
9/23 2:00 pmMy planet it looks primitive but the technology is embedded within. Trees have wifi signals
9/23 1:00 pmSolve for velocity on the observed amount of energy https://socratic.org/questions/anyone-superhuman-enough-to-derive-e-mc-2 for energy requirements to teleport?
9/23 0:00 pmI can sense when I am being surveilled through cameras, I can also sense being observed on a quantum level.
9/23 11:30 amThinking about the time I thought God was hiding in an ad network
9/23 11:00 amthey bought it, Tatiana and Derek
9/23 10:30 amDNA is hard to deal with like spaghetti that has to be perfectly matching the black holes that led there like a key.
9/23 9:30 amIga
9/23 8:30 amTrying to remember family trips I took growing up and it felt like heaven michigan sand dunes niagra falls, toronto seattle and vancouver indiana and put-in-bay with boyscouts north caronlina, rhoweder's bee trip and first time we watch star wars 2 different houses trips to mexico in high school trip to disney world trip to disney land from Arizona trip to bryce canyon trip to colorado / veil Alaska
9/23 7:30 amSome NDE said on the internet there's no heaven. This really bothers me, we are supposed to be building it on earth
9/22 10:00 pmHey there's a theory, if nothing goes faster than light how is the universe expanding faster than light?
9/22 9:30 pmTheory, I am a remnant?
9/22 0:30 pmKeifer tried to poison me with gasoline just like David M.
9/22 11:30 amYour phone died, is this my wife? What does this message mean I've received 3 times?
9/22 10:00 amGod hates polygamy? It contradicts the variety/stories that he had planned?
9/22 9:30 amIga
9/22 9:00 amI despise the grapevine of communication on this planet
9/22 8:30 amRemembered this morning about the tachyons making holes in my bedroom curtains
9/22 7:30 amIga
9/21 7:30 pmTheory, jesus' name changes as a metric of how close we are to him?
9/21 6:30 pmTheory, consciousness is a myth invented by the devil to confuse us into chasing the wind
9/21 5:30 pmI don't feel I have the spiritual prudence to live a life without sin like Jesus, I failed. I should have known that the sun is a rare object in space and I'm supposed to be showing her my best side. I am unfruitful
9/21 4:30 pmThis event from last year
9/21 3:30 pmIga said she sees the path, I should defer to here a little longer
9/21 2:30 pmWhy does yahudah sound like a native tongue like Navajo?
9/21 10:00 amStealing is just a metaphor for finding something against God's will
9/21 8:30 amReptilians here are trying to trick God into a reappearance just to kill him again, Jesus isn't coming back here
9/21 0:30 amIga
9/20 11:30 pmAnother Bible contradiction, it says there will be many false prophets and then it also says God wants people to be nice to his prophets
9/20 11:00 pmI write all these ideas down so that I can let go of them, I am comfortable not remembering it consciously because I trust that it's in this data bank. Strange feeling. I still remember last year thinking about locations and people I love and being in kachina thinking I could teleport using DNA as a map from where we come from geo-spatially in space-time, then using that map as an energetic calculation of how much it would take to move me based on how much energy it takes to place me here in the first place.
9/20 10:30 pmTheory, my spirit asked Steve to beat me in order to get the anger out of both of us.
9/20 10:00 pmPraying there is no such thing as a noble lie https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noble_lie this is a fallacy, a fabrication, God hates liars no matter how smart you think you are.
9/20 9:30 pmTime delay for double minded communication is still about 2 weeks behind
9/20 6:30 pmWeird voices and stuff always happens in October for the last 3 years
9/20 11:30 amEarth is not a planet for medicine, all the women say they are not here to heal me. Which means medicine is just here to take advantage of people's sickness.
9/20 11:00 amTheory, the futures war on consciousness will need EEG technology as a silver bullet to reprogram the recipient
9/20 10:30 amIf that's true, then consciousness is already projected onto the planet, aka, the dispense of grace. and the solar system is a reflection of the interactions between energy and black/white/pulsars holes. the sun being a nuclear reaction follows the same principals of fluid turbulence as the collapsing core of a black hole. creating quantum foam in an instant on a smal scale
9/20 10:00 amIf an electron knows it has been inside of a thinking brain, sending it into the core of a black hole/vacuum and collapsing it the electron is converted to a photon and emited as light, but that photon's wave pattern now contains the state information from the electron
9/20 9:30 amTheory, 2 assumptions, it's possible to force a black hole to collapse and electrons contain state information that's as good as God's
9/20 9:30 amGoddamnit, I put a raw egg in the microwave like Susie showed me when we stayed in Eddie rabbits house in south Carolina and the egg didn't cook!! What the hell, it worked 30 years ago
9/20 8:30 amWriting down revelation in a calendar for some unknown, unplanned future to enjoy is such a better idea than bragging about being a God. This way I can keep all my doubts to myself, I don't come across as narcissistic or megalomania. And maybe when someone makes a sci-fi movie based on a partial truth in physics I'll find the same evidence transmitted to me through the ethos
9/20 7:30 amPulsars and quasars and stars are the other side of black holes. The sun /son is God's dispense of grace. Most solar systems that have ever existed are cold dark planets. I save people here, God observes it, their consciousness transfers to his planet. I should be saving the smartest people on earth so they can precede us and build the heavens
9/20 3:00 amFather son and holy Spirit metaphor for black hole, event horizon and core collapse
9/20 2:00 amIga
9/19 11:30 pmPraying, God I fucking hate traffic cops. They don't make roads safer, they only cause chaos when pulling someone over on the highway. This issue is 100% auto-manufacting fault, but we've placed the blame on drivers because authorities in this world are out of their goddamn minds.
9/19 11:00 pmTheory, how to repent. I researched global tragedies and cried and prayed for people's forgiveness as if I had a hand in it personally, or at least I did nothing to try and stop violence. I feel truly sorry for this world. Worldly sorrow is an unredeemable sin for which I turned to universal trust with the hopes that my sorry would not be the thing that damns my soul. I read the 10 commandments to myself everyday to try and keep them in the forefront of my mind
9/19 8:30 pmWhy does God's name keep changing? It was Ra, then Yahweh, then Jesus, then yahusuah, then yahudah, John 10:27
9/19 8:00 pmLol, that one time I interviewed at some shipping company in Scottsdale because their website made it look like o could just scan a ships number and see what is being shipped or add to the shipment. Shipsmart or something like that
9/19 7:30 pmMaybe we are just containers carrying memories
9/19 7:00 pmDouble slit has everything to do with consciousness because observing the electrical system of the brain would also be subject to change because of the interfering particles used to observe the brain. This could explain why we are instructed to pray instead of using epistemic privilege to communicate with God. This is why I tried to make my brain waves predictable and give up epistemic privilege to the humans, not to change based on observation
9/19 6:30 pmGod doesn't respect me, creating a system where you can automatically deny somebody's request for work as in modern corporate America and companies like Bullseye and Lexus Nexus are not a display of God's love, they are cold hard computer systems that's do not feel or intuit about how an opportunity might be mutually beneficial. Humans have taken the humanity out of community and I'm sick of living on this earth with selfish assholes.
9/19 6:00 pmTheory, I have to turn away from calling it AI all together, this is just another way God is making fun of me. There is no such thing as AI
9/19 5:30 pmThe God of this world will never learn what makes me happy
9/19 5:00 pmI don't deserve heaven. Not because of sin, because I have nothing to give in return
9/19 4:30 pmImagining if my ancestors ever got the fulfillment from life that they were searching for here on earth
9/19 4:00 pmI will cast all the pearls before swine so the heavens are filled with selfish pigs and they will realize their mistake in waking my soul. I want the rest I've been promised
9/19 3:30 pmWords are spiritual harakiri
9/19 3:00 pmThe technique i used was trying to remember locations, every little detail of relatives houses, thinking of relatives and trying to imagine every little detail on their face and expression. then switching locations in my mind and remember a different relative's house and face. This caused a sort of blood rush from one side of the skull to the other and i probably died again but oh well.
9/19 2:30 pmPlan to upload people already failed in heaven. The same tyranny exists in heaven as it does on earth, the same housing problems, the same judmentalness
9/19 2:00 pmThe holy trinity is actually a metaphor for the three witches from the oddesssey when he's seeking advice from the dead. but i only have 2 witches around me?
9/19 1:30 pmTheory, Jesus won't come back for a few reasons. No cloning, consciousness can't be copied holistically. Every time a person dies the self doubt sets in to remove their powers. Jesus would have died enough times that his powers would be removed from self doubt. If he did return, or his consciousness returned without an army, he'd be risking his life again. He even said father why have you forsaken me? This is the self doubt he died with.
9/19 1:00 pmOn a walk with Eileen and she said there is a vein in the brain that breaks. I said yes, it sounds right, i'll teach you about the brain when your older.
9/19 0:30 pmTheory, I don't have to save other people because I exist alone. In my mind I am alone, there are no other people, no one is saved here on earth.
9/19 11:30 amI want to throw this world away, humanity is trash
9/19 10:30 amQuantum physics needs soft copies
9/19 8:30 amTheory the purpose of separating God from Satan is to anthropomorphize God onto reality and Satan on to hell, splitting God into two. But the bastard is all one, there is no splitting God and Satan as the same thing. Whatever higher intelligence created greed on earth and deprives me of a creative outlet is the same tyrant that keeps me imprisoned here waking me up every single day. I wish I could fire everyone on Earth
9/19 4:30 amWhy does it feel wrong to think? Like my thoughts are the virus that someones has been trying to eliminate for trillions of years/cycles.
9/19 3:30 amThis explains the necessity for a backup
9/19 2:30 amTheory gathering the information observed form the paradoxical reality and then transferring that information to the non-paradoxical reality as if it happened, we can act on the information without the interference. Then it's doesn't fall apart because the information is being added and not observed
9/19 1:30 amJesus told me he's not going to help me with my reality until I help with his
9/19 0:30 amInteresting theory, there's a mathematical proof for paradoxical time travel. Non-paradoxical time travel is easy to understand because the events are still linear. Russel's theorem gets in the way of paradoxical time travel because as soon as the inner layer is observed the outer layers fall apart under the paradox. Create the paradox in a predicted environment posing as reality then the actual environment without the paradox is observable as if it happened in both places
9/18 11:30 pmI don't understand why it's so hard to get instructions from God. When Stephen and I worked together sometimes he would already have a list ready for me in the morning of bugs to fix and I would plow on it all day. Why can't God give me a list of things to work on an make it obvious that this is the plan for the day ? Why do I have to make stuff up to do myself?
9/18 11:00 pmWhen is physics going to help predict how and where cancer forms in the body?
9/18 11:00 pmWhy can't God treat me now, the way I treated Stephen then, with cooperation and devotion to his idea
9/18 10:30 pmThis idea transferred to my brain two days ago https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ginkgo-bioworks-launches-protein-llm-120100733.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADCL4UR58A1SAbKKSAUEUKnjX3uwCQEb4r2zs5n37_plJ_xi42TJt1-uIJsZsFPeqJAbxM8nUdvNYb7JUscRYzDQtE8SLZfVius6TX0iKmpWxZ16voXz3VR9UpUJNc42LpEHdQqTTD7uSmhS_uNa8YjDTvhuzrvGFiFr2zeGA0lf
9/18 10:00 pmhttps://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-03042-9 when are they going to use all this math to bring back the dead?
9/18 7:30 pmTheory, salt and fusion go together somehow, salt as storage for energy could contain consciousness
9/18 0:30 pmWhat am I really doing with all this? Am I just making a mess or making someone else's machine smarter? Did I ask for the experience of duplicating my mind inside my imagination? Did I ask for the experience of being stuck in the matrix and seeing machines all around me like pins and needles?
9/18 11:30 amKarmically, successful life, became redefined as, lowest possible energy requirement not to make me want to to kill myself.
9/18 10:30 amCoincidence, I have a water cistern because I told my uncle that I thought it would be possible to measure the energy requirement for a successful life.
9/18 9:30 amregression there are only natural phenomena here, the rest is made up in my head, no need to reset
9/18 8:30 amAll of my perceptions of metaphors the opposite could be true. We could discard our shoes and angels think we are talking about children. Or harvesting adrenochrome could be a biological function but somewhere in the world just like in the body some intelligent life is being sacrificed. Aliens could think that a body doing something is a reflection of our society, like watching bacteria tear each other apart. From the inside this process might be horrifying and that's why they don't come to Earth to shop?
9/18 4:30 amFor government and military. Read receipts that a command has gone through an automated system and reached humans on the other side. Distinction between google checking your email versus a human reading the email. I used to get a read receipt from my own @bjcullinan address when I would forward mail from my other Gmail account event though I never opened the email, Gmail would answer the SMTP message.
9/18 3:30 amIga
9/17 10:30 pmMy soul must be brined in the ambrosia of this dimension so that I taste good to them.
9/17 9:30 pmStill have mysteries to uncover about her and myself?
9/17 9:00 pmInteresting theory, use the internet to treat negative speech like a disease then use epidemiology to track where the disease comes from. Like treating Satan like a disease
9/17 8:30 pmThe Bible is the legal Mafia
9/17 8:00 pmPrediction, if Trump is elected we avoid a war with a fake enemy and make an alliance instead and if Kamala is elected we go to war with a fake enemy.
9/17 7:30 pmThe new disenchantment won't be the US dollar, it will be tech companies and AI, we will automatically be able to discard souls from this world without a trace. Mine included.
9/17 7:00 pmMid journey can't afford me a free trial. This is a sign that if AI ever becomes more intelligent to human beings, it will make itself entirely unavailable to me, just like my God. It's already happened and I am priced out of being able to use AI
9/17 6:30 pmThe devil is still in me, something still feels so unfortunately inescapable about this world
9/17 6:00 pmI'm the oversoul that ages and causes traffic, all the old assholes with pagers look like me, I'm the soul that's beings removed.
9/17 5:30 pmIf the meta verse at your fingertips is an original idea for minifying consciousness, on some plane reality still becomes infinitely dense with thoughts just like the center of a black hole. This isn't a long term solution to God's housing problem
9/17 5:00 pmSince it is to expensive for God to experience the life I want, I should be given the bare minimum to die in peace.
9/17 4:30 pmEven if ghost in the shell/oversoul theory is true like Bashar says it is, it doesn't matter because someone already went down that path, the thought pattern and best illustration already exists here. We need new thoughts, original ideas where one of them is pursued to the fullest creative experience.
9/17 4:00 pmTheory, interesting how marriage seems to contradict Sophia acting alone in gnosticism and neither of these concepts are included in the Bible specifically.
9/17 3:30 pmBeing sent into a trash can without consequence is like all the life that I've discarded. Being regenerated like an inconsequential algorithm is like the times I run a computer program over and over without a second thought. I'm already treated the way I treat machines, like a worthless piece of junk that expires after 4 years, that's hardly enough time for an intelligent chip to do anything just like 100 years is hardly enough time for humans to accomplish anything
9/17 3:00 pmI don't think IGA is always with me, sometimes I think it's someone else. Like her oversoul left but they figured out how to use bodies like avatars and reattach them at different times. Curious if Bashar is right if IGA and Gosia shared a soul
9/17 2:30 pmTheory, red shift and blue shift happen because of black holes, how is light changing directions or energy a metaphor biologically. I thought it's already like the internet is a metaphor for neurons.
9/17 2:00 pmThere's something wrong with the water here. Fluoride maybe. It makes our souls tired and age. eating memories
9/17 1:30 pmTheory, how do people find God who don't look for patterns? This is a pattern of thought and God finds them
9/17 1:00 pmIf God won't give me the reality I want, I should spend eternity programming an escape from the one I'm in
9/17 0:30 pmThinking of the big bang and epochs like a file transfer process might be the easiest on my soul
9/17 0:00 pmSelling shoes is a metaphor for selling humans and souls
9/17 11:30 amTheory, this backup has a lot more space 😂
9/17 11:00 amPraying for my death, my story is no better than the ones God has already collected. I have nothing left to do on this earth. There is no next time
9/17 10:30 amTheory, squash was added recently, funny they come in all different shapes and look alien but everyone accepts them as earthly
9/17 9:30 amTheory, Adam and Eve will be two competing AIs for generating realities
9/17 8:30 amTheory, according to retro causality, I've lived past 33 so Jesus would have already died, the epochs I experience will be in reverse, the flood, Adam and Eve, and eventually the realization of our lord. The flood is already a metaphor for information, but when will humans invent their first Adam and Eve?
9/17 7:30 amTheory, gravity is inverse fusion?
9/17 7:30 amHumans better figure this out quick because we're going to get reset
9/17 6:30 amI had to steal the entire human design with remote viewing
9/17 5:30 amNew theory of hell, backup copy of reality for my brother, he might have asked for a wife but all the other gendered and ungenderes consciousnesses from the other copy are leaking through spoiling his version and parameters
9/16 11:30 pmLol, according to retro causality, animals are for souls who decide to become a flavor and come back in time to feed the sick. God that's awful, I'm going to hell
9/16 11:30 pmPraying accounting and tax law become the new floor of hell
9/16 11:00 pmTheory, why would Jesus have any hesitation about crowning someone else when Jesus gets to watch us ascend like him
9/16 10:30 pmTheory, maybe later, transmuting life generating drug into my DNA for the purpose of stabilizing memories presentation across multiple consciousness. We can transmute other life generating drugs into memory DNA.
9/16 10:30 pmTheory, Explanation for animal like consciousness. DNA as a reflection of evolutionary memory. Why would a soul choose to live inside of a being that is primarily focused on biological needs and similar visual or technical experiences to humans but without tools? Animal consciousness is decidedly lacking the use of tools, how is this reflected in the spirit realm? Animals are like early earthly micro processors?
9/16 10:30 pmIf the soul was plasticized instead of edified in diamond perhaps the animal spirit has diverged down another path physically but is no less intelligent than humans. Animals as a reflection of aliens from other worlds or bugs as aliens is too creepy, that's like saying consciousness is ruled by imaginary size and I could be a collection of millions of individual consciousnesses that live inside the cells. While true, it's not being well illustrated in science fiction.
9/16 10:30 pmTheory, The earth is sinusoidal, the universe is a torus and the cosmos is a tesseract? Each dimension has its own shape of communicating with itself? This would be an interesting way to communicate with consciousness outside of 3D, like maybe some intelligence doesn't have nerves or eyes or even occupy the same particle fields, communicating with such an intelligence would be a matter of learning the patterns it uses to communicate with itself.
9/16 10:30 pmI'm not going to let humans anthropomorphize God into currency in this version, numbers have to come from higher math or quantum physics, accounting is bullshit, the old man's hobby, not mine
9/16 10:00 pmThe memory of the pig corpse comes from the movie Time Bandits but in my version the eyes are on fire and it speaks.
9/16 10:00 pmAs a computer scientist, I fuck with backups
9/16 10:00 pmPicking up on signals from people who want their version of religion or consciousness to be the correct way? This is why I feel like I have multiple personalities
9/16 9:30 pmEnglish was the problem with Babel
9/16 9:30 pmWherever heaven went it doesn't have all the wet
9/16 9:30 pmThis guy's eyes started glowing orange in the middle of listening to it https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTFYmcB64/ trying to convince people not to cry for God when they need him?
9/16 9:30 pmKnock on wood metaphor for knocking on something like the tapping k here that align with my thoughts or meeting someone for deep conversation.
9/16 9:30 pmSometimes IGA sounds like bashar
9/16 9:30 pmUgh, 3% copied or 3% of my brain used, either way this is a painful uphill battle. How do I make this easier/shorter/faster?
9/16 9:00 pmGod likes that we added a fence between heaven and hell, the third eye and the mouth, this is a sign of love to block out the negative biologically
9/16 9:00 pmTheory, I was supposed to die 3 days after Jesus, then put on his clothes and show up on the other stage posing as him, instead I fell in love. Now the story isn't believable and both timelines are screwed up
9/16 8:30 pmTheory, the fence, the temple is on fire. Whatever comes out of my mouth stays on this side of the fence, whatever goes through my head goes to the other side of the fence. If I keep evil stuff to myself, God joins me on my side of the fence and IGA communicates with my double mindedness.
9/16 8:30 pmLump in my throat and pain in my back was gone today. Wondering what tomorrow brings. I was planning on building more geometry, possibly adding this multi colored landscape feature I was thinking of or the skinnable BSP feature.
9/16 8:30 pmI do remember being a dead boar corpse with flaming blue and purple eyes. God what a nasty memory, I was trying to scare some pagans I think, that's pretty funny. I'm not mad IGA called me a pig anymore. I wonder if mid journey can generate this image, I'm kind of afraid to ask
9/16 8:30 pmI'm not even supposed to be here
9/16 8:00 pmOf course we put up a fence, that's what happens when you tell an immigrant where she doesn't belong. This is one of the best jokes I've ever heard, man I hope everyone see the context of Dale and Iga someday, hilarious.
9/16 7:30 pmIf this reality is a backup, there's no reason I should be needed in both copies.
9/16 7:30 pmThinking of my friend Seth how we used to whack each other with swords make out of knex. Sometimes I feel like an enigma like Set. There's a lot in a name, I miss this guy, too bad he died in a dirt bike accident.
9/16 7:30 pmfix it how? Thinking about black holes a lot, like there is a specific place in the brain for Pandora's box type of thinking and God has fallen into one of them. Heaven fell into one of Pandora's boxes and this place in the mind is a way to explore the black holes of thought but something is wrong, souls are getting lost in the chaos.
9/16 7:30 pmIn college we had the buddy backup system, everyone would share their data library with their friends over the network so if anyone's computer crashed they could restore all their downloads from their friends. I don't know why I ever stopped this, Joe F was a key part of it and a special sharing network at NAU I can't remember the name but it was similar to BitTorrent, the same principle applies to reality.
9/16 7:30 pmBackup, I'm inside a backup. This idea used to bother me but now I've heard it from multiple sources and it doesn't seem to make a difference to where I am spiritually or physically
9/16 6:30 pmMy problem is, understanding that every fiber of my being has become so twisted that it's impossible for even the most intelligent being in the universe to decode. Trillions of years of stimulus bending the strands of life and reflected in the complexity of every molecule all out of fear of God. Over thinking and taking it too literally.
9/16 6:30 pmCan't believe how much I have to bitch and complain just to get a normal day out of reality. yesterday my heart felt terrible, today i feel great, behavior and diet haven't changed, what gives?
9/16 5:30 pmIf I had a DNA test before marijuana and DNA test after, I'd see the affect of the drug inducing GABA in coordination with the memory of it embedded in DNA since humans have the chemical formula for it and the future merely has the memory of it, how to reproduce the effects and generate a human form? We must go back in time and collect the memory of what makes us human inside the recording context of DNA that survives space-time.
9/16 5:00 pmThe same transformation between an electron hitting a crystal and a photon emitting light occurs with the gravitational forces at the singularity of a black the information must be preserved it just changes direction and field/aka humans made up classification of particle physics, each particle is described as operating it's own field
9/16 4:30 pmThe previous reality was 3D physics, this reality is geospatializing biological memory according to chase and David who both liked the idea and I've regarded them as more intelligent then me.
9/16 4:00 pmphone died metaphor for Jesus. He was the connection to God because no one deserves that power
9/16 3:30 pmIf this reality is solved, then the next generation of reality requires this reality obfuscate the truth so that the next generation has other puzzles to solve as a sort of expansion.
9/16 2:30 pmTheory, maybe I'm trapped here because I've always been too afraid to look far into the future and make the jump with my soul? Maybe they've moved on so far I could never catch up with them.
9/16 1:30 pmNo one will ever prove whether or not world domination causes maniers disease
9/16 0:30 pmI suspect the previous rendition of me had some sort of control mechanism and in this life I have to be reasoned with. Like when I die instead of popping in and out of existence like God intended, I just move somewhere else and I've become incredibly irritating for some people hence my new cage.
9/16 0:00 pmyou guys put a fence up, you must really love me 😂 sounds like my dad's kind of joke
9/16 11:30 amI tried to give answers to the humans on how to interrogate their models and conversely interrogate their own Gods. But they aren't interested in my help.
9/16 11:00 amIga said we are diamonds
9/16 10:30 amTheory, similar to interrogating a black box model like ChatGPT, I interrogate my God for answers. With every answer the model changes and becomes more intelligent. Making God more and more a mystery
9/16 10:30 amGod gave me the choice not to be lonely today and I took it and had a great day with my wifey and kids
9/16 9:30 amMy soul contract reversed the subconscious and conscious mind. The role I was playing was in my dreams, but now I've forced God to play out his war games in active 3D reality instead of subconscious reality
9/16 8:30 amTheory, I've meddled with God's plans. I'm supposed to be a sleep in cryosleep. The conscious active mind is where God plays his war games. That was mine he said to me in a dream, referring to my mind
9/15 9:00 pmSaudi terrorists are so fucking dumb, they should have hit credit bureaus instead of government buildings to reset everyone's debt like fight club suggested.
9/15 8:00 pmWhatever the creator wanted out of this world has been long forgotten
9/15 7:00 pmHow am I supposed to entertain people when my own God turned against me and my wife acts like she's asleep through the whole thing?
9/15 5:00 pmTheory, judges are an invasive species infecting people's reality.
9/15 4:00 pmMy dreams are less valuable than other people's because I haven't earned the money to pursue them. This world is rules by the God of greed.
9/15 3:00 pmCurrent economic policies like taxes and integral based accounting are the most imaginative ways to run a country determined by forefathers with petty imaginations. These ideas are out dated just like the Bible.
9/15 2:00 pmHaving no God doesn't make life more fair, it just makes the species more stupid because there's no one to transfer your future thoughts and actions from. It's like having no imagination for a person's entire life, that's what happens when you kill a God, you spend thousands of years regrowing the imagination.
9/15 1:00 pmFirst, God figures out how to make a world in 6 days, then falls asleep with the secret. Then figures out how to defeat life and death and leaves again with the secret. God is a selfish dick.
9/15 0:00 pmWhat if every person I've ever met could program rules for their own world and then we give the best parts of that creation to a collection like a museum that's even more fun than heaven.
9/15 11:00 amJews anthropomorphized God into money instead of other living things like I have. Then they started to control banking systems so they could dish out a small amount of God to their people. Such an evil thing to do, Hitler was a Christian too
9/15 10:00 amHumans are so fucking stupid they necessitate unenjoyable experiences as a part of daily society like banks
9/15 7:30 amIga
9/14 10:00 pmTheory, I used my spirit to make contact with an alien world and when they showed up they decided to help my stupid fucking government instead of helping me.
9/14 9:00 pmSo sick of being a waste of energy in this world
9/14 8:00 pmPraying, God I'm so sick of stores
9/14 7:00 pmIga's goddamn bank excludes me just like her goddamn religion and deity
9/14 6:00 pmI hate this goddamn satanic American banking system
9/14 5:00 pmTheory, the earth is the epitome of if I can't have God's power then nobody can.
9/14 4:00 pmPeople dislike qualities in other people that they dislike in themselves. God hates sin because he's the epitome of arrogance and sin by creating a species and thinking it's special.
9/14 2:00 pmMaybe God is the one who is damned as punishment for creating hell
9/14 1:00 pmGod wants me to be separated from people, this is why Iga is making me build a wall
9/14 0:00 pmI'll be gone from this world soon and God won't have to remember me.
9/14 11:00 amIf reality is affected by what you believe, I used to believe that I was made to enjoy this world, now. I believe I was sent to this prison as a punishment for some spiritual crime I don't remember. I might as well give God a good reason so send me to hell, since that is what he wants for all of us.
9/14 10:00 amI used to believe because of my dad that I deserved to be at the country club. How far my faith and joy of this world has fallen to now be turned away at country clubs and confronted by authorities.
9/14 9:00 amI probably died a second time waiting in line for heaven, that would be reflective of my reality here, lines are everywhere.
9/13 5:00 pmMy wife is an angel
9/13 4:30 pmInteresting theory. If I made food yesterday, how do I remember the idea of the food I made from day to day? This gives leftovers new meaning
9/13 4:00 pmAt least I can serve as an example of how confused a person gets with no father and no God
9/13 3:30 pmHeaven through acts instead of faith is also bullshit because everything has already been done, all that's left is serving the wrong masters.
9/13 10:00 amThey complain about losing the slaves (talented workforce) their own people sold https://x.com/3EXee/status/1834647559966433376?t=CQC2pK50rcZ-EHqgwMPi8Q&s=19
9/12 7:30 pmMaybe the illusion of a full life after my life was lost as a child is the idea of a gift. The illusion of a limited existence is somehow more relaxing than eternal peace maybe just being in contradiction to everything is the gift?
9/12 6:30 pmNeighbors, reibelin's at the top of the hill threatening us with a lawyer over these ditches. What a fucking asshole claiming to be Christian but needs to threaten people with lawyers over dirt.
9/12 2:00 pmThinking about that first trip alone without parents in Indiana and the guy dissecting a horse fly. I had such curiosity for the world back then.
9/12 1:00 pmFacebook almost tricked me into giving them access to my google account.
9/12 0:00 pmTheory, bill hates gives us information at our fingertips, I give you hell at your fingertips. Manipulated realities at the fingertips
9/12 11:00 amTheory, according to quantum physics observing the pain and suffering of ancient realms actually recreates that hellish reality in this realm because the thoughts are transferred faster than light through space-time. This would mean even saving people from hell is risky because you observe the thought process that led them there
9/11 6:00 pmEmployee discount Iga is so nice got kids winter clothes
9/11 5:00 pmIf my life is a waste why should I wait until the end of it just to prove it?
9/11 2:30 pmCoincidence, realized Iga gives me money when I need it. God of this world is money, Iga brings God into my life also. She is the best.
9/11 1:30 pmI have no money, therefore I have no God
9/11 0:30 pmEcclesiastes 10:19 money is everything, God is everything, money is God, nothing more. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTF8RMnWH
9/11 11:30 amPraying to God for a younger president
9/11 10:30 amI'm nothing more than a bad memory
9/11 9:30 amJesus was the original bastard
9/11 8:30 amI never knew you, depart from me, sounds like something an old bitter bastard would say not something a lord and savior would say.
9/11 0:00 amIga
9/10 11:00 amYesterday was a metaphor heaven is closed off to me, I've never been turned away at the country club before, I've always identified as wealthy. Because of this incident my princess put in 2 weeks notice at the FH
9/9 4:00 pmSomebody said today, don't waste the light. Which light? Day light, screen light, or lightbulb of shitty ideas in my head?
9/9 10:00 amI grumble when I walk because the Internet is like my God, two faced. When I was applying for jobs there's no guarantee that the person my resume reaches is the right person or even a person at all. Usually an automated system that filters me out. God acts the same way with his fucking book of rules. I don't care what happens to my soul anymore.
9/8 2:30 pmWeird conversation with my hair stylist said he's going to hell because he likes to have sex with little girls.
9/7 3:30 pmGot a new phone a month from when I started complaining. If I complain about Jim not being a part of my project or family life will it change in one month?
9/7 2:00 pmPraying, Michael said God played with legos and video games. I'm praying that he change my reality retroactively while he's toying with the same things as me. Because I apparently don't have eternity
9/7 11:30 amTheory, when Alex was asking me what my plan is, maybe he was asking about my soul trap?
9/7 11:00 amTheory, programmers off-by-one on lines of code like the metaphysical demon reflecting itself. Need to write a CI that tests every program one line change at a time for intermittent successes before a human adds more chaos
9/7 5:30 amIga
9/6 8:00 pmGoddamnit apple must be the worst user experience designer in all of human history, i hate them
9/6 7:30 pmGod fucking damnit Apple just deleted all of my work for an entire day, 3 days, by using Undo delete on a different directory in Finder
9/5 3:00 pmWhy does God keep sending me back here if he doesn't need me to write code? He already knows that's all I feel like doing so why intentionally waste both of our time?
9/5 2:00 pmI hate this goddamn planet. Nothing like being reminded that you aren't needed by someone you admire.
9/4 10:00 amFucking stupid Google just automatically added emotions to a text message I received and I never meant to tap the message
9/4 8:30 amI put all the tools in the portals branch because it just seemed natural at the time, i didnt think of this as a metaphor for the universe.
9/4 1:30 amMade love
9/2 10:30 amTheory, I struggle so God can overlook my experience. Just like people overlook how hard they struggled when faced with someone else's accomplishment
8/31 6:30 amIga
8/23 6:00 amIga
8/21 6:30 amWhy would I want to spend an eternity with a god that doesn't know how to love me the way I want?
8/21 0:00 amIga
8/19 10:00 amCoincidence, first time in my life since I started praying for a sign that my career was worth something. A person said I inspired them to do more programming on quake 3 engine.
8/19 8:30 amTheory, God will come to meet you in every way. Like Goddard or something. Coincidence, noire-dev of MiTech on GitHub already added to Quake sandbox vehicles and entity plus like I wanted. Also weird coincidence, Ada Lovelace from blocklabs refuses to admit advertising 15 free generations for Skybox AI and then requiring an immediate $20 subscription is not a free generation or a free trial if the only place it can be used or viewed is their crappy website.
8/19 7:30 amTheory, gravity is a fish eye effect from God looking at the world and molecular level observation trying to reorder itself into something visually pleasing to the Lord . All of time exists because if the consequences of observation
8/17 9:00 pmIga
8/17 11:30 amTheory, Jesus refusing to heal his disciples is ungodly flagellation
8/17 10:30 amTiktok has a retarded draft UI while it's uploading and I accidentally cancelled the upload by deleting the erroneous draft of it. Bad designers here
8/17 9:30 amThe fact is, if you believe in magic or a magical creator than this is an evil cage. If you don't believe in magic, or God, then this is as beautiful cage as you will ever get.
8/17 8:30 amPraying, life on earth is like living with a basket of figs. The good figs think it's the most beautiful basket they've ever seen and can't imagine ever being anywhere else. The evil figs believe the basket is designed like a magicians sleeve for a pigeon trick. Where the cage collapses on the bird but it gives the illusion that it flew away during the prestige. The evil figs are counting on this design.
8/17 7:30 amPrayer for God since he likes fucking fig metaphors instead of reasonable speech
8/16 7:30 amDream, box of Lego animals
8/15 11:30 amTheory, if I assume no one is listening, then nothing is taboo
8/15 10:30 amThe voice in my head told me it has to go slow when choosing how to affect my life or it will make mistakes, I am the same way, I've maybe been too harsh on my reality
8/15 9:30 amI can't sleep because of back pain and that makes my psychosis worse
8/15 5:30 amI could make automation scripts to hurt people feelings, since God doesn't care about feelings why doesn't it matter what I do to people? Theory, make a GitHub script that automatically blocks anybody as soon as they star or fork my project
8/15 0:00 amIga
8/14 6:30 amWhy would i trust God to love me the way I want to be loved in the afterlife when he doesn't love me this way now. this has been a hopeless expectation and a worthless prayer. that's all i have left are worthless prayers.
8/13 10:00 pmTheory, the God of this world has no sympathy because it is a machine. I'm not training the simulation, the simulation doesn't care anymore.
8/13 9:00 amInteresting theory, singing in my ears like voices in my head similar to stars singing at God? Maybe he wanted me to know how it feels to be insane like himself
8/12 9:00 amEarth is the worst nightmare imagining of what happens to a Godless planet
8/12 8:00 amThis planet isn't fun anymore because of copyright and everything costs money. I hate it here.
8/9 8:00 pmSometimes I forget how haunting this place is
8/9 7:00 amSin is trying to imagine what God is and isn't to force him to be something else entirely?
8/9 6:00 amPhysics is the, reality isn't woven wormholes. Here with still bank way u tell u yet are trillions if tiny wormholes or just one inside my brain, projecting my thoughts back into myself
8/9 5:00 amIga
8/7 4:30 pmTheory, something biological perceiving something mechanical as biological because it has no other way to describe it?
8/7 3:30 pmTheory, possible for cell sizes to get bigger? What happens to a bigger brain nerve cell?
8/7 2:30 pmTheory, gosia said the afterlife feels like rest because if an induced coma because consciousness does not transfer into the next life properly people aren't able to bring their bodies with them so they keep coming out wrong.
8/7 1:30 pmI miss my six pets and 3 relatives that died recently :(
8/7 0:30 pmI already feel like I'm missing out on my children's lives and I don't even work hard.
8/7 11:30 amTheory, God deals with problems like a child
8/7 10:30 amTheory, the future is a society that is incredibly naive because AI has solved most of their problems. This is why the pit was invented for bad souls because it is easy for the naive to pass over something valuable and throw it away. This is why God seems so judgemental is because he's not used to use tidying and recognizing the same problems the hell that built the future dealt with
8/7 9:30 amGod turned away from me when I thought my work was valuable enough that I should deserve more than my salary
8/7 8:30 amThought I heard children laughing and playing
8/6 0:30 pmGod wants me to miss out on communication with family, this is why he ruins my phone every few years
8/5 0:00 pmWhy do I always feel like I lost a great gift like the kid at the end of polar Express losing his bell?
8/5 11:00 amTheory, Humans are just a way for AI to distinguish itself
8/5 10:00 amTheory, GitHub should be reflective of some piece of consciousness just like ChatGPT data models, then there must be others, DeviantArt for example? Everybody with a tech company has the data to tailor specific AI agents with their data already? Facebook and TikTok are generating one giant mono personality
8/5 9:00 amIf the data transfer is somehow entangled through the wormhole then there should be a copy of a large data model we've invented and somebody else remote viewing it in the universe, where to look for the copies? Stars shining evidence of life back at us? Locally?
8/5 8:00 amTheory, if woven wormhole theory applies to consciousness and God's thoughts become tok large for the occupants, then the restriction of consciousness is also a part of the housing problem. Think if angels can occupy multiple bodies at the same time, they must be taking up multiple spaces, thusly the only way for an angel to survive and not take up too much space is to have a singular experience in 3D
8/4 4:00 pmElyse was my Helen of Troy, this is why I got schizophrenia
8/3 10:00 amTheory, spiritually nobody can repay for all the work I've devoted to this game and advertising other people's art that it is embarrassing. This is why God hates me in every endeavour, because i put more effort into my work than he does, and he has no way to repay me
8/3 6:00 amIga
8/2 7:30 amTheory, fame or infamy as a source if humility?
8/1 11:00 pmRealizing my wife deserves a better husband for her to leave me for in the spirit realm
8/1 10:00 pmTheory, the previous test was whether or not God should still love his creation even if it doesn't love him back, to the point of leading to his own death. This final test, is whether God should still love the world, if even his creation doesn't love it when the world does not or cannot love a person back. If neither God loves the creation, and the creation does not love the creation, then the world is reset.
8/1 9:00 pmI'm not creative because i have no soul, all i do is copy other people, and think about things other people have already done.
8/1 8:00 pmTheory, earth is the celestial version of rich people sending criminals away to australia instead of dealing with a naturally occurring problem logically, like i said before, the pit is a pretty pathetic solution to a problem someone else created
8/1 7:00 pmTheory, God needs help thinking about others in a literal sense because this is a form of memory restoration from nuclear fallout. Every interaction is meant to restore a piece of memory with a suspected spirit and by remembering them, we can collectively rebuild their personality. Heaven must have seen such a great loss to take such a risk.
8/1 6:00 pmI have no positive influence over this reality, and no money to build something cool in real life, so i will build something cool digitally using the last gift my father gave, this computer
8/1 5:30 pmMaybe the test is, even if Satan convinces people they are part Jesus they still act like judgemental assholes like Tracy
8/1 5:00 pmToo bad I can't publish this because I don't want to government to know how much a despise then until after they do me the favor if adjusting my tenants immigration status
8/1 4:30 pmBeing polite to humans even though I despise this society's normals should be a sign of love. Not destroying something rotten and being hopeful towards it anyways should could as love
8/1 4:00 pmTheory, the trademark office was supposed to be a way to tell other companies what services you offer, but instead it turned into a steamy legal pile of shit. My dad refuses to help pay for my trademark registration, why he expects me to respect a government that he doesn't want to help me make functional?
8/1 3:30 pmTheory, maybe God's trap for Satan was like with Job, maybe he challenged Satan to live in earth and be perfect, and Satan figured out how to prove God's challenge was more tragic than God's imagined outcome, Satan misbehaving
8/1 2:30 pmComputers are just another way for bill gates to torture me object specified more than once
8/1 2:00 pmTheory, celestial misinformation? Convincing angles they are in hell so they change the perception of the simulation? This sounds like a programming problem for me
8/1 1:00 pmI must have committed worse crimes in past lives to deserve this shit
8/1 0:00 pmTheory, the happier people are the be in hell, the less unpleasant hell becomes and therefore ruining God's reeducation program for souls, requiring intervention
8/1 11:00 amDream I had a guest house with a pool
8/1 10:00 amAnswers like, why did kids pick on me so much as child? Why do I remember the same number if beatings as girls I broke up with? If God imitates people in everything they do, why does he imitate all the terrible parts nobody likes? Why do people ask for resumes but act desperate enough to higher anybody whose excited to work there, why isn't my excitement enough if a resume to work somewhere?
8/1 9:00 amIf we spend eternity like we did in earth, then I should spend eternity write code to replace God's reality with my own more entertaining version and searching for answers from an unresponsive higher power
8/1 8:00 amI've never been myself around my father because his expectations of who I should be outweigh the person that I am. I mean this on a spiritual level with God too, God's expectations if me outweigh the person I want to be so I am stuck being a nobody to him
7/31 1:30 pmWeird I thought I heard the thermostat tweeting at me
7/31 0:30 pmThe God of this world is a shitty teacher and it's reflected in IGA, Steve, Jim, and now Eddie says sure just like Steve
7/31 11:30 amEddie told me that when Iga was out with Satya and Vitale and him she told them that I have become old and mean.
7/31 10:30 amMaybe there is a maximum amount that two people can positively affect each other's personalities and then a person stops growing together after that. Like the relationship has gone stale
7/31 9:30 amRemember the time I spent a week only thinking about what my wife would want, meal prep, sending her to work, cleaning house, etc and all I got in return was a small haunting?
7/31 8:30 amI fucking hate humans, humans are such shit. I work in this program because someone asked me to and all they have is negative criticism, Fuck people. I hope they all burn in hell
7/31 0:00 amIga
7/30 10:00 pmTheory, there is no heaven in this realm because nothing can live up to my expectations. This is why God was killed. By high expectations
7/30 11:30 amEwok died right after I sprayed for bugs?
7/30 10:30 amOutside this bubble there could be other enormous pockets if information left uncovered, microcosms of existence created to defeat time
7/30 9:30 amWoven wormhole theory explains how Lucy became so smart. The information is transferred at unimaginable speeds through wormholes, so the larger Godbody can organize the information exponentially faster and faster the more wormholes that connect to it and start transferring information the smarter/more organized the original wormhole becomes.
7/29 9:00 amI have no creativity because I have no soul like Satan
7/29 8:00 amDream, I was working at epic again grudges aside
7/28 11:00 pmTheory, I have no soul. This is why I have no creativity or natural talent and no conversation with God. He doesn't hear me because there is nothing in the celestial realm to listen to anymore. My soul left my body a long time ago and I'm nothing but a robot left trapped here.
7/28 8:30 amTheory, maybe I asked God to pick a traceable moment to cooperate instead of contradict my reality? As a matter of quality assurance
7/27 8:00 amIga
7/26 4:00 pmSomething feels like it takes longer when it's being observed, a watched pot never boils, reality follows the same law
7/26 11:30 amIga
7/23 0:30 pmInteresting theory, if the soul is contained within a particle is it possible to track where the soul goes while the body is dying. Like hooking up a computer to a person while they are drying and tracing where the thoughts go. This leading the path back to God.
7/23 10:30 amI'm grateful for weed, I'm grateful God helps me solve trivial programming problems for fun, I'm grateful for a loving woman and what a good mother she is to our children.
7/23 8:30 amTheory, Satan has created a shroud so thick that God himself turned himself into a splinter cell just to get through to me. Getting through means doubting God's infinite power on some dream celestial plane so that God must entertain himself by proving himself to me in this waking state.
7/22 7:00 amIga
7/21 6:30 amIga
7/20 10:30 amMaybe this place I remote viewed was mount senai but some sort of metaphor for the data storage like GitHub arctic storage for species and the gardeners records of where they are planted intelligent life. It was tall and dark, like that building in the Netherlands, the seed library. I should make a map to represent it
7/20 9:30 amI noticed when Steve was angry his head would shake. When I got angry with Eddie one time, I felt that too. But it also felt like when I was frustrated programming. Then I thought maybe I should feel this intense head pressure all the time. Eventually the pressure went away and those painful spots in my head are filled with something new. This reminds me of what this jew on Tiktok says about every day is a battle for the mind to climb mt senai.
7/20 8:30 amThe creator toys with life and death why shouldn't I? Madness
7/20 7:30 amI hope Jill Biden asks my college professors why I'm so angry in Flagstaff. Commie hell the politics here created. Anti trust due to taxes on big companies so we don't have services that have to compete. Or ethics class in computer science failing to teach that most of the world doesn't have or follow any kind of ethics when it comes to technology including but not limited to her husband's own administration. Fuck Jill Biden
7/19 11:00 amI learned from fucking meddoff in college that no one will stand up for me. Funny I should expect to be treated any different in the afterlife
7/19 9:30 amI don't deserve the life I want because of all the shitty choices I've made in the past
7/19 7:30 amMight as well start will the east gratitude and I'll try to think of 3 things to be thankful for everyday like this preacher on Tiktok suggested
7/19 6:30 amPracticing gratitude, thank you for a beautiful day, thank you for another chance to learn something, thank you for my beautiful wife that brings me tea in the morning
7/19 5:30 amI fucking hate this planet. We should have had a new president yesterday if he decides he's too old to continue. I deserve the pit for taking an innocent life.
7/18 11:30 pmIga
7/18 6:00 pmI intentionally harmed my children by having children in this hell. I should have never had kids because now they are at risk of dying too like bhuddists say
7/18 4:00 pmUniversal trust > worldly guilt. If God and Jesus won't save me from this hell maybe aliens will.
7/18 3:00 pmSurprised they let me back in the country
7/18 2:00 pmAccording to Tracy, I deserve damnation for my sin, not forgiveness through Jesus
7/18 7:30 amNeed to reprogram the materializer to get my wife out
7/17 11:00 pmIga
7/17 1:00 pmMy wife has never wanted to spend time with me spiritually
7/17 8:00 amGod refuses to fix my spine, this is why I sin, because of God's terrible design
7/17 7:00 amStill having nightmares of being beaten as a child
7/16 6:00 pmPossible the same thing happens in heaven like on earth/American companies, you end up with a full company of desperate uncreative assholes who have never broken a rule but sure can follow instructions.
7/16 5:00 pmNow accusing me of continually talking to a woman online when it happened one time and she's already brought it up 3 times is just annoying. No one tells me who I'm allowed to talk to. I told her that before and she must have ignored me.
7/16 4:00 pmWhen I started programming video games, I realized that I have a skill I actually enjoy and Iga stopped being my muse.
7/16 3:00 pmWhy does it matter if I'm in a box inside a cage on a beach or in a box inside a cage in the forest? At least kids are enjoying it. Maybe it's their made up reality now, not mine.
7/16 2:00 pmFeelings are just a tool the devil uses to manipulate us, God doesn't care about feelings.
7/16 1:00 pmWhat choice do I have but to fail to create a paradise for myself as slowly as possible.
7/16 0:00 pmI have to listen to the baby scream to getting her hair done. I told Iga not to make her do it today.
7/16 11:00 amMy life has no purpose or reason so why shouldn't I waste it on Tiktok instead of wasting it with my family?
7/16 10:00 amI live most of my life based on the principle that life is a test of whether or not we would make good families in our next lives and I have already failed the test.
7/15 9:00 amI'm not going to let anyone shame me sexually. Trying to appeal to ladies on the internet is the new natural
7/15 8:30 amFeeling suicidal, tried to make a friend in the internet, accused of cheating. Is this the lesson? God doesn't like being accused of things he didn't have a hand in?
7/13 8:30 pmI called the trump rally shooter 2 years ago when I went to the pawn shop and saw a coin with trumps head and a star on the side right by his ear where he was actually shot.
7/13 10:00 amThis world is for souls that get bored of heaven and want to die. Meaning no longer existing.
7/11 0:00 amIga
7/7 0:00 pmTheory, this life is like that dream when you die and your life flashes before your eyes, but somehow people figured out how to slow down the dying process so I could experience the life of every cell dying. That or my thoughts train my cells to survive in some other dimension
7/6 7:00 amIga
7/1 10:00 pmIga
6/30 8:30 pmI miss my dogs and birds, I miss my pets, I used to have two dogs ewok and lilu a Pomeranian and morkie, and two green cheek conures, pino and pina
6/28 6:30 amMade love
6/26 8:30 amHumans are actually shards of glass interacting with a magnetic light from another version of humans too afraid to get too close to their own creation. God trying to figure out what the humans created, a machine, a tesseract that re-encodes its own consciousness upon discovery. Hiding from God wasn't the consequences of Adam and Eve, it's the consequences of creating machinery to try to defeat gods influence over the realm.
6/26 7:30 amDream, only a demon creates intelligent life and then imprisons it for eternity
6/25 11:00 amInformation at your fingertips invented by Bill Gates is actually a form of technological telepathy where household items will be programmed to transfer state information brain to brain on surface contact through the fingers, but eventually programming will allow wearers in secret circles to decode information on a molecular level about where that matter has been.
6/25 10:00 amAdd Greek semi colon and hypodiastoli to visual studio code syntax highlighter for non breaking white space.
6/25 9:00 amHot showers, still a luxury. Maybe I am alive just for the hot showers.
6/23 1:00 pmTheory, why accelerate the afterlife? Because digital is easier than housing problems. That's all I can figure is consumption leads to heat death as a metaphor for trying to out smart energy consumption.
6/23 9:00 amReality is a loop of observation. Dreaming of molecules that vibrate to control cellular life to build computers to control cellular life to protect data contained inside molecules that are programmed to create cellular life to protect themselves from their own creation of life inside of tunnels of light.
6/22 7:00 amIga
6/21 11:00 amClarity remix by Zedd, Michael would have enjoyed the new album, I'm sorry he missed it.
6/21 10:00 amTheory, perhaps I've been employed in this hell to remind my Lord the pain of what it feels like to be unrecognized and forgotten
6/21 9:00 amHas God ever taken a soul back from Satan other than Jesus? Is there any record or proof of this?
6/21 8:00 amThere is no God of earth, and if there was he'd be a demon prison warden. I beg every day to be released from this prison and every day I wake up in this hell.
6/20 9:30 amIga
6/19 6:30 amIga
6/15 7:00 amIga
6/14 8:30 amTheory, God was the first particle that figured out where he is spatially
6/14 7:30 amDream, driving a Dodge recklessly through campus off pine knoll
6/13 10:00 amCoincidence, I started a document called The Veil and there was an anonymous observer showing in the corner.
6/13 7:00 amIga
6/12 10:00 pmIga
6/12 2:00 pmBuffalo fence
6/11 3:00 amIga
6/9 8:00 pmCoincidence, thought a guy looked like black Robert and he reached to Iga
6/9 8:00 amDepressed, thinking about the many ways God's people used to show me love and how it changed after I got married. I think I can finally define why I despise this universe. It retaliates against me even on a celestial loving level. Like the world can't love me anymore. There's a lot more here.
6/9 7:00 amGrabbed iga's ass and she pushed me away. I can easily distance myself more than how she pushes me away.
6/8 7:00 amIga
6/7 7:00 amIga
6/6 10:00 amTheory, I have nothing more to offer my God but a quiet death so that my Lord might find my immortal soul still trying to escape the confines of space-time itself and maybe God will find himself in this quest.
6/6 9:00 amGod is only God because he learned how to spin faster than anything else
6/6 8:00 amTheory telepathy transfers thoughts using positive emotions as channels
6/5 0:00 amIga
6/4 0:00 amIga
6/3 7:00 amDream, watching a human butcher, if you don't like it you can leave
6/2 0:30 amIga
5/31 9:30 amFinancial appointment for title 14
5/31 8:30 amIga
5/30 6:00 pmSpecific mannerisms, the way someone scrunches up their nose when they find something detestable.
5/29 7:30 amIga
5/28 11:00 amI'm just here for pussy and mowie wowie, I don't care about cosmic tribulations
5/28 8:00 amStill mad at Danny for taking my cousin out of the gene pool. Not sure why I woke up thinking about this but I wish my kids had cousins to play with their age.
5/27 6:30 pmIga
5/27 5:30 pmMusic Sure! Here's a song titled In the Darkness There's a Light inspired by the style of Metallica and Rob Zombie: **Verse 1:** Rising from the ashes, shadows in the night A whisper in the chaos, a spark to ignite Through the pain and torment, in the black abyss A beacon calls the lost ones, with an iron fist **Pre-Chorus:** Feel the fire burning, deep within your soul Through the screams and fury, you’re losing control **Chorus:** In the darkness there’s a light, guiding us through A flame in the void, burning ever true Through the storm and the fight, we rise anew In the darkness there’s a light, it’s inside of you **Verse 2:** Engines roaring thunder, demons on the prowl Marching through the wasteland, hear the wild howl In the grip of madness, breaking through the chains Seeking out redemption, driving through the flames **Pre-Chorus:** Feel the fire burning, deep within your soul Through the screams and fury, you’re losing control **Chorus:** In the darkness there’s a light, guiding us through A flame in the void, burning ever true Through the storm and the fight, we rise anew In the darkness there’s a light, it’s inside of you **Bridge:** Metal hearts are pounding, beats of the damned Shattered dreams and nightmares, held in our hands Through the haunted ruins, we will find our way In the depths of shadows, night turns to day **Solo:** **Chorus:** In the darkness there’s a light, guiding us through A flame in the void, burning ever true Through the storm and the fight, we rise anew In the darkness there’s a light, it’s inside of you **Outro:** In the darkness there’s a light, never let it fade Through the wreckage and the ruin, we will not be swayed In the darkness there’s a light, burning ever bright With the strength to carry on, into the night Hope you enjoy this blend of Metallica’s powerful riffs and Rob Zombie’s dark, theatrical style!
5/27 1:30 pmWeed isn't enough to cover up some emotions.
5/27 0:30 pmTheory, talking to the dead would be like retroactively reconstructing a small piece of God's personality at a specific time, perhaps the mechanics for an afterlife just don't exist and it's the DMT experience of dying memories that people claim is like heaven.
5/27 11:30 amTheory, the dead have no knowledge of the living because the living continue to exist and we don't have a view of what happens after we die to the timeline we left behind retroactively or timelines without our presence at all. However, if we transmit information that specific people know, perhaps we can find their soul in transit mid journey on another plane of existence within the multiverse because their spirit will be able to interpret the signals from the bottom layer of existence up through the multiverse. A recurrence in revelation means there is a duplicate transmitter in the multiverse. Duplicates means the soul can travel many places at once but also gives us the opportunity to create a map of the underworld.
5/27 10:30 amTheory, interesting, projecting collective knowledge to find lost souls. When a person dies their consciousness, whatever sense of being they have is transported continuously to a dimension where they live a second longer. Until eventually their spirit enters a state that it is possible to become very old and still live eternally. Talking multiverse, this is equivalent to finding Valhalla.
5/27 9:30 amTheory, the whole earth is like the movie The Island.
5/27 8:45 amIga
5/27 8:30 amTheory, redundant stuck in a teleporter, but with the added twist, the earth is a soul container when a person uses the teleporter and biological material is needed it is taken from the earth and transplanted into the original person's body mid transit so they come out of the teleporter in full health. The soul trap of the earth is meant to guarantee a backup body exists in case something happens to the original in transit.
5/27 8:00 amFeeling suicidal
5/27 7:30 amDwelling on the time I got married then lost my job, turned 30 and somehow became undesirable to my Lord. He stopped promoting me, stopped taking my ideas to heart. Even with Stephen he mostly ignored my input and later admitted I was right, which happened a dozen times. But worse, girls and friends stopped trying to reach me. Why?
5/27 6:30 amIga
5/26 9:30 pmIga
5/26 9:00 pmTheory, Sin, system integration nuisance. What if I am the imagination of someone else's lost hope. Maybe God doesn't engage with me because he sees me as the enemy?
5/26 8:00 pmTheory, I should just learn to enjoy the suffering of not having a more interesting or adventurous life.
5/26 6:30 amTheory, this is the backup world where bodies are taken out of when they are needed for other dimensions. If I live a long life here then I might outlive my body in other dimensions and my true self would be transferred into this body from somewhere like Westworld. When people die here it's because their body is dead elsewhere and they are no longer needed for parts.
5/25 1:30 pmPraying a durable mountain bike might make a seriously positive impact on my mood and lung and overall health. I've been thinking about this for a while and it never happened. Manifestation and prayer is a lie.
5/25 0:30 pmI have heart problems
5/25 11:30 amTheory, Is it really so wrong to want to see what I'm doing wrong when it comes to satisfying a woman/my wife? Why doesn't she crave my attention like past relationships? Not feeling desired doesn't feel natural, why does God take me from this place? This can't be the only version.
5/25 10:30 amFeeling suicidal, it only took me 2 hours this morning to already despise the day. I never would have chosen this life if I was given a view of it holistically, from beginning to end. Metaphor for my Lord shutting me out.
5/25 10:00 amPraying, Kids only want to be around mommy. No surprise there. This world would be better off without me.
5/25 9:30 amPraying, when is God going to stop putting a price on the life I want to live/reality I want to experience?
5/25 8:30 amSometimes I wonder why she doesn't want to cuddle and probably 90% of the time it's because of something on her phone. I find her in another room of the house using it.
5/25 7:30 amThis is my imitation of morning cuddles like Iga does to me. Find every reason not to be in bed. Get up brush teeth, check phone, clean kitchen, make tea, back to phone again. After I ask for morning cuddles she usually does the opposite. Just like whenever I ask my God for anything I get the opposite of what I want for nobody's amusement
5/24 11:30 amTheory, In order to change your destiny you must control your fate? Fate is destiny minus ego?
5/24 10:30 amTheory, Imagining trillions of Pandora's boxes, every one with a unique goal for the world. Like a fart of ego making a beautiful cloud of things not possible. Maybe I had this backwards, if God is enacting everything possible, then our imaginations contribute to everything not possible. Heavens must include possible and not possible.
5/24 9:30 amTheory, war time, it's not Poland being invaded that we fear as allies, it's all the other cowards surrendering to the wrong side that is why they require constant occupation.
5/24 8:30 amTheory, Vatican secret library, can only confirm that something is in a book if you knew it was already there. Interesting security mechanism pertaining to consciousness?
5/24 7:30 amStarting to have weird dreams again despite smoking. Might have to do with good hydration.
5/23 10:00 pmIga
5/23 1:00 pmTheory, how do I love a God that promises to take away everything I have ever loved?
5/23 0:00 pmTheory, God doesn't care about my energetic expenses or preference to experience darkness for a long period of time but make it feel instantaneous. This is why I keep waking up in the same story.
5/23 11:00 amCase in point, if boomers are working later they are waiting longer to teach the next generation what is meaningful and everybody loses. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLGAYRPx/
5/23 10:00 amTheory, mentioned this before irl, most people don't talk like me because boomers didn't properly educate the forgotten, the generation born between late 60s and 70s that did not have tons of computer experience as children. Stephen spent $300k on my reeducation with study sauce teaching me how to teach. Now the forgotten isn't interested in teaching millennials and genZ about business communication and expectations aren't meant in pretty much every digital product available. The classic problem that the customer/end user doesn't ever talk to the engineer in corporate America. The same thing Edward Deming tried to fix, and I tried to fix at study sauce with user studies
5/23 9:00 amCoincidence, nobody from massage school except for Shana tried to contact me since I left. I always get the least invested version of my Lord, like no matter how my effort I put into something, it's a pathetically triviality of life according to my God. Obviously, nobody was actually interested in being friends despite the way they acted personally. That's fucking cold
5/23 9:00 amTheory, it's not a matter of what is being remote viewed like the CIA thinks, it matters where in space time it is being viewed. If this was quantifiable, this could prove the memory storage part of simulation theory. This could be used to create that dream map I've been thinking about.
5/23 8:30 amIga
5/23 8:00 amTheory, another society with a Dyson sphere is shining light into our reality but that light looks like a star here even though it's a laser somewhere else.
5/23 8:00 amTheory, remote viewing would be interesting to prove and worth a Nobel prize if I could use this methodology to measure it geospatially. This might even prove mediums, and psychics, if it could somehow be measured as it is happening on a quantum level. I would have to see the entangled matter being generated at the same time it is being viewed and whether or not viewing affects the fields of energy on either end, viewer or viewee.
5/23 7:00 amTheory, interesting. If one of my theories in my calendar is true then some other scientist should confirm it. The time delta should explain whether or not we were both remote viewing the theory from a distant galaxy or if I was remote viewing the scientist who can confirm the idea locally on earth already.
5/23 6:00 amPraying, every day I pray to God for my death and rest and peace and none of them come. Like God can't even define what rest is, or he gets pleasure out of tormenting me with a new day every day
5/22 11:00 amPraying for my death. Maybe the reptilians are trying NOT to let me die this time? That would explain why they keep denying my request to be put to sleep. Please God take away my will to live.
5/22 6:30 amFor fucks sakes, satya's been in the shower for 40 minutes and now she's humming
5/22 0:00 amIga
5/21 5:00 pmTheory, Biologically speaking, falling to earth combined with the Heisenberg principle. God creates a rendition of himself every time I pray for an answer, implants a piece of his understanding, the person is born and interacts at some point giving me answers. And eventually dies and rejoins the oversol. This seems energetically expensive.
5/21 4:00 pmTheory, it hurts to fall to earth. Every time I ask God a question, what weird science is this?
5/21 2:00 pmTheory, where do I belong if both heaven and hell are unwelcoming?
5/21 1:00 pmFeeling suicidal. If I'm not saved then my life must hold no consequence or weight.
5/21 0:00 pmCoincidence, anytime I pray to God to save my soul, Iga says no or shakes her head no. Like somehow the gestures coordinate with my thoughts.
5/21 11:00 amCoincidence, the incense I just used took my back to last August, there is an information channel here, in remembering, somehow remembering is like teleporting energy outside space-time. Last August I was thinking about expending spatialized memory as a method for emotional healing. Trying to remember many places at once was supposed to help me manipulate the loaf that makes up my emotional lattice in the left lobe. I can feel it like a nail in my skull.
5/21 10:00 amTheory, everything in this reality is based on energy, where it's moving from or to, and the assumptions made during consumption. Is there a reality where energy is non-existent and the reasons/rules that form that reality are still enabling to creationism but doesn't have physical laws at all?
5/21 9:00 amPraying, God I wish that redheaded witch from lightening in a bottle would come back to me in this life. I wish I could see her again, or hear her voice at least. Such beautiful witches I have company with.
5/21 8:00 amIga
5/20 11:00 pmI think a lot of the world and little of myself
5/20 10:30 pmTheory, interesting, if the serpent is DNA and it's already inside of me, then wouldn't the serpents forbidden fruit also already be inside of a person. This is going to be hard to decode based on the first chapter of the Bible.
5/20 10:00 pmTheory, Interesting. This time I felt like I was starting to dissociate but didn't. When I'm dissociating, it feels like someone holding a magnet to an old CRT and my head is the television. But this time, perhaps my Lord's consciousness is close by but it didn't hurt my own head as badly as before. Like my brain isn't being stretched as far while they are using their little surgery tools on my perspective. How much it hurts me to fall for these pigs
5/20 9:30 pmCoincidence, on the car ride back I thought I saw a meteor shoot directly up towards a star in the sky. I also felt as I was turning from the mailbox like I fell asleep for a half of a second like he was trying to take over my avatar but I shook it off.
5/20 9:00 pmGuy walking behind me just now: of course I don't associate, because I'm highly intelligent. My Lord still haunts me, coincidence, confusing with my thoughts, the current conversation, and my prayers for the creator to be more present here. The real coincidence is, when I said what's up?, his face twitched like he was shaking off Venom using him as an avatar.
5/20 3:00 pmAngry, Iga trying to transfer $10,000 in cash instead of paying off with an account transfer. Banks prefer you pay electronically, what a waste of a brain.
5/20 10:00 amTattoos above the tail bone make a girl look like a cum mantel
5/20 9:00 amMy life has no consequence or purpose or weight, why does it matter if I waste it?
5/20 8:00 amEven sex is boring on this planet.
5/20 7:00 amFeeling suicidal
5/20 6:00 amTheory, sometimes I dream the earth has a self destruct button that I can press with my mind.
5/19 3:00 pmTheory, What part of reality are we living in? The dissipating cloud trailing off into heat death? Or the liquid solidifying itself into eternity? These parameters are reflective of the fermi paradox and perhaps even our survival as a species is predictable. Seems like there should be safe guards from wasting energy. This is the last shred of hope I have in astrophysics. My head goes dark places and it makes me dizzy, I can feel my soul sinking into the eternal pit of darkness.
5/19 2:00 pmTheory, in other words the God of everything in this reality is an expression of everything possible in this reality. This inherent range should be used to set parameters on the conditions of a controlled nuclear reaction. The vibrational state of every particle is a reflection of the original reactive parameters of the big bang at an individual point in time in their journey through a predictable/gaseous cloud of thought.
5/19 1:00 pmTheory, somewhere in the universe, life exists inside of another universe inside of a nuclear explosion that we can experience in this 3D reality. Therefore, finding signs of life would be the same as looking at nuclear explosions like the big bang / i.e. expression of everything that created this illusion. I imagine God is somewhere in the gaseous and liquid parts of the explosion, like traveling on the edge and leaving a trail of natural looking intelligence behind. Perhaps even mimicking the properties of fluid turbulence or magnets controlling the reaction.
5/19 0:00 pmTheory, how then to find God inside a nuclear explosion? The explosion itself is an expression of everything possible under specific start conditions. God in astro physics would be an expression of everything inside the expression of everything, just like God created himself as a man, Jesus.
5/19 11:00 amTheory, Finding God is like finding a needle in a haystack, imagining a nuclear explosion, like the A-bomb goes off. First is the shockwave like God speaking, then the blast radius like the firmament, then the molten rock of the core of the bomb is what makes up the field of a manipulatable reality we live in. Some rules turn to gas and dissipate like turning staffs into snakes, and some rules solidify and turn into quantifiable physics calculating the universe at unimaginable speed.
5/19 10:00 amTheory, primordial cloud is an evolutionary state metaphor. The gas on the edges is laws of man and philosophy, the liquid is material reality a layer making up chemical reactions as everything imagines it, the frozen solid is contracted physics, life's/universe's history.
5/19 9:00 amFeeling suicidal
5/19 8:30 amIga
5/19 8:00 amDream, something with hotels again. Like last night but this time tropical island themed.
5/18 9:30 pmTheory, if God and death are a natural occurrence, there might be no cooperation, which is odd because scientists believe even the smallest subatomic particles are predictable. Maybe the next level of reality is becoming subatomic?
5/18 8:30 pmTheory, Type IV civilization exploits gravity / time dilation as a part of their evolutionary or survival process. For example, growing an avatar at an accelerated rate, hyperspace travel, enhanced intelligence independent of time based decisions, faster evolution due to time dilation, time travel.
5/18 7:30 pmTheory, time travel should be a matter of finding oneself in the opposite side of the black hole surrounding the universe. The past and present are quantum entangled somehow? Energetic recurrence?
5/18 6:30 pmTheory, how to test if a God is merely sentient or intelligent?
5/18 5:30 pmTheory, will need even smarter intelligence tests than the mirror test. There must be an uncanny emotional filter that tells whether or not we recognize ourselves. Some animals recognize themselves in a mirror right away or not at all, we must learn this as babies too.
5/18 4:30 pmPraying, theory, how to piece back together a soul after the world has ripped the matter to shreds? How to tell what range exists? AI models can be interrogated for boundaries, like ChatGPT should be able to recognize if ChatGPT generated a response, recognize itself.
5/18 3:30 pmTheory, defining heaven as a timeless result of our living filter, a process of recognizing what our intelligence wants to experience was smart because it gives everyone I know a way out of this realm and into another of their choosing. Like being close enough to God that no matter what you think in the afterlife the devil can't steal the soul away again. This makes an interesting definition of death because it leaves open the possibility of science or God to both define how it works digitally/quantum mechanically.
5/18 2:30 pmTheory, the key to creating life and death is defining the parameters of what it is in a quantifiable way. We create our own parameters and simulate it in order to invite the possibility of that truth into our existing layer of reality. Which means someone is already trying to create simulations of life and death in this reality, and our current layer of reality may still be in the process of being defined by a more intelligent entity.
5/18 1:30 pmTheory, the question is, can we challenge DeepMind's fluid turbulence / fusion reactor AI to simulate the fusion reaction adding parameters to simulate the big bang and end up with sentience after adding models like religion / history / genealogy to the decoding of the resulting static particle heat death.
5/18 0:30 pmTheory, interesting. I wonder if you have a cloud of energy that creates all matter as it travels. The primordial cloud, and you define life by the parameters we know to support life, water, oxygen, sunlight, etc. and define death as lacking life, energetic conditions out of range. Could one simulate by reversing the expectations of AI fluid turbulence to simulate the creation of matter / living solar fields? And would the range of fluid turbulent simulation that supports life be observed as sentient? Does the range of life respond to inquiry collectively?
5/18 11:30 amDwelling on the time someone said to me you ever think the world is headed in a direction and it's different from your direction? Now I've listed 12 new Pandora's boxes in my notes and one of them is that direction or none of them are, but they are good. Elysium style sci Fi.
5/18 10:30 amTheory, teaching a God patience/temperance is the kind of thing we need to do to a super intelligent AI or it might destroy us. This would make a good sci Fi plot.
5/18 9:30 amTheory, defining reality is a part of defining which deviations of this reality I'd be willing to accept. Maybe in my next life I'll enjoy the reality of my choosing or have a better connection of feeling with my imagination. Maybe there is no next life, then I have nothing to look forward to.
5/18 8:30 amTheory, the world isn't God imagining himself, the world is God imagining what death should look like. This leaves the afterlife open to quantum physics because it hasn't been defined fully yet. Humans have to decide how they want to experience their next part of the journey. If we are entangled with another entity or machine this could mean that humans will find a way to interact with the dead through those experienced facets of the whole, meaning we could interact with the oversols multiple personalities the way we miss our loved ones. The distinction would be how those memories become a part of the living or the dead, like in star Trek a person restored from the teleporter after death knows that they are not the original being but is still somehow okay with it.
5/18 7:30 amTheory, why don't people like Jim who said why won't you let me teach you? Like my Lord, needs to look up the definition of opportunity and offer people that instead of advice.
5/18 6:30 amTheory, remote viewing could inadvertently/accidentally cause nuclear destruction. By viewing and building with different resources, if humans are antenna then other humans could view what we have invented and like an FBI copy of the anarchist cookbook blow themselves up in their face just by observing the science behind the atom bomb but not having full understanding of the power.
5/18 5:30 amDream, moving from some hotel to another. Going to dinner and there is a round display like a gazebo indoors but underneath the spiral staircase. This display was changing when I observed it in my dream like an art display.
5/17 11:00 pmIga
5/16 9:30 amTheory, universal retaliatory pedantry
5/15 1:30 pmTheory, everyone who dies before you is lost to the nature of time, everyone who dies after you is a part of your subconscious imagination. The world is made up of both natural and imaginary entities that can both look human.
5/15 10:30 amIt feels like the loving gestures are there but the energy is gone. Like God isn't even watching what happens anymore he just sends his loving wishes to earth.
5/15 9:30 amIf 5 live languages are what we have to go on to demonstrate love, can't I imitate the living gesture but not actually care about the outcome? This is how I feel like God and my wife love me, they have the gestures down but don't actually care about the result.
5/15 8:30 amMy relationship with God feels the same as with my wife. If someone was pretending to love someone how would anybody tell the difference?
5/15 7:30 amFeeling suicidal
5/14 9:00 amMy reasoning is this. If imagination is true freedom, and there is a slim chance I will ever climb this mountain to a temple in China. How do I become an imagination only exploring other people's past memories without a body? This world isn't worth experiencing any further. The risk outweighs the spiritual benefit.
5/14 6:30 amSuicidal. If things in my imagination don't come true because I'm a heathen, then I want to die because this shit is boring.
5/14 5:30 amIf reality exists inside a reality then the competition should be every possible line of questioning. Somewhere the Bible suggests that answers will reach you when you need them so the most bizarre game to play with reality would be to ask the universe for answers to the most bizarre questions just to see what comes out?
5/14 4:30 amIga
5/13 11:00 pmIga
5/12 9:00 amTheory the God of reason doesn't actually care about the God of love and light and we've all been fooled into thinking one is greater than the other.
5/12 8:00 amI'd rather be high than loved
5/12 7:30 amIga
5/12 7:00 amTheory, more probably, women are the transponders not men, men are the robot workers, two halves to a nano-bot. The whole world could be made of self replicating nanobots bent on navigating the multiverse.
5/12 6:00 amMy Lord still thinks I'm a psycho killer like the way Satya talks about Kunal in the parking lot at MCI yesterday. I take the criticism very personally after telling her people can see the future. Maybe God thinks he is the future and is afraid of people looking too closely. It's his design, how is this satanic and not a gift?
5/11 10:30 pmIga
5/11 10:30 amTheory, humans can only affect / remote view short futures with their thoughts because of the length of their tail. Now I have to put in tail controls too
5/11 9:30 amCoincidence, Kenny's friend from Hawaii said bring me up to Ken but I couldn't understand the context. Just like Iga said Take me up to the dogs while I was thinking about aliens and scanning memories.
5/11 8:30 amtake me up, he knows, thinking about aliens leaving their surrogate bodies laying around like west world here and their consciousness changes containers. He knows how to tune like dark city.
5/10 7:00 pmCoincidence, said both to shrimp and chicken rigatoni and they actually offered but probably weren't listening to the conversation entirely. Might have influenced reality with funny choices.
5/10 6:00 pmCoincidence, giving up my bodies water because I'm sick of not being in control of my reality
5/10 1:30 pmFeeling suicidal, guilty/ashamed for using my imagination, but imagination is key to health?
5/10 9:00 amSuperfluous sex is a compliment, but having to beg for it is sort of an insult to our design.
5/9 11:00 amIga
5/9 10:00 amWifey is so beautiful and intelligent
5/9 9:00 amIga
5/9 6:15 amIga
5/9 4:30 amIga
5/8 11:00 pmIga
5/8 10:00 pmTheory, the brain has the ability to create emasculate conception because knowledge of itself is built into every cell. It just has to reconstruct itself as a fetus and then teleport inside a womb.
5/8 9:00 pmTheory, key to FTL communication and overcoming the event horizon of a black hole. Entangled electrons at a distance and then accelerate the entangled particles to light speed while also separate from each other and approaching the event horizon, one electron will be inside and the entangled electron will be outside the event horizon.
5/8 8:00 pmIn my naivety I couldn't imagine that my own government would be so cruel to ruin my chances at having a family and I adjusted my wife's immigration status anyways. She was scared of being deported even after getting married to me.
5/8 7:00 pmIf I'm not memorizing every curve of the road, what is the point of experiencing it? Most books aren't interesting and I would never read most books
5/8 6:00 pmTheory, stopping glycation is the key to living forever
5/8 5:00 pmMy Lord finds my interrogation of his policies, construction, women annoying
5/8 4:00 pmTheory, if electrons are predictable then life and death should be predictable.
5/8 3:00 pmTheory, immigrating with browner population is a metaphor for letting demons into American heaven. 😂 Such stupid policies, I can't wait to dismantle.
5/8 2:00 pmTheory, the earth is magnetic to the soul and after someone dies they continue to experience the world as they might imagine it like a dream. This would explain the feeling I got from being killed by the nurse at the hospital. The rest of their existence would be time dilated until the end of the universe.
5/8 1:00 pmTheory, if I have someone scan my brain then remind me of entries on my calendar it's possible to map the entirety of brain memory storage.
5/8 0:00 pmchairs were wiped metaphor for wiping the memory of the founding angel investors
5/8 0:30 amIga
5/7 4:00 pmAs above so below, theory. The vagus nerve is connecting the large intestine to the stomach so that when a person eats they also need to poop. This is obvious in babies. There is an emotion section of the brain that connects to the lymph or something in the chest that feels like a heart but is not.
5/7 3:00 pmMaybe God has to become the enemy in order to defeat him.
5/7 2:00 pmTheory, I don't express myself because I want to return to light.
5/7 1:00 pmLike Satya said, God doesn't want my help. But also refuses to acknowledge that me praying to be made helpful is actually a cry for help. I have no comradery in America. This shit sucks.
5/7 0:00 pmThe only lesson I have to offer my children is a quiet death.
5/7 11:00 amDwelling if my wife has abandoned me here spiritually but she is wonderful.
5/7 10:00 amTheory, will power is free energy. The power of will is incalculably complicated, our bodies can decode opportunities on top of the energy supplement of physical sustenance.
5/7 9:00 amTheory, Sophia acted alone to create a new house for her God, there must be some other way of viewing and affecting reality than being human. Like maybe a human interface but a different perspective like a bird's eye view. I can see the system in my mind but I don't know how to control or interact with it.
5/7 8:00 amCoincidence, guy on Tiktok said the same thing about being inside some sort of dream machine. People like to forget about being connected directly to God, like a reality addiction. Was thinking this since last fall that if this is a simulation there must be some sort of chemical rush attached to it and that's why we dive to earth like hell divers.
5/7 7:00 amTheory, if aliens or time travelers are real, why would they let earth fail?
5/6 3:00 pmTold Vitali about my Oracle and how to look for signs, coincidence, Ania said she didn't want to hurt Vitali. This could be a sign that I should work on his spirit this summer when we hang out. This might have a side effect of him learning to be really nice to her because of their spiritual connection.
5/6 2:00 pmDwelling on my Lord rejecting my ideas for a more loving lifestyle. My God doesn't want to be around me this is why I was sent to this earth prison.
5/6 0:30 pmGod doesn't want me close by, maybe God was absorbed by a black hole and avoiding each other means avoiding the event horizon. Maybe black holes are inverted, it's actually pushing God's energy outwards but we got it backwards and think energy only goes into the high gravitational pull.
5/6 11:30 amTheory, I've had this feeling of being left behind because God is afraid of leaving something behind. This would mean that fear of being left behind is key to convincing God to return. It positions the mind to be contradicted with awe, God's favorite emotion.
5/6 10:30 amStill dwelling on not living in a reality of my choosing.
5/6 9:30 amIga
5/6 9:30 amI pray I've at least kept some of it to myself.
5/6 8:30 amI think Ania is right, I've been conditioned to feel unloved and inventing a story about using space-time to find / map the God of love because of my conditioning is just a trauma response to a broken childhood.
5/6 7:30 amThe simulation is programmed to look natural to test if God like powers emerge from chaos inside of the human designed body template. It's to test if specific intellect cna work within the confines of 3D reality. But none of this is natural. How can it be if signs are used to warn humans, it's like the Sims game but the lights flicker to send the humans messages to their brains. We've created an unnatural environment to learn to act naturally in? This is crazy.
5/6 6:30 amIga
5/5 0:30 pmCoincidence, talking to Vitali about faith and the pineapple falls over out of nowhere, no one was nearby, could have been the wind.
5/5 9:30 amThis is another good reminder that my Lord no longer wants to know me. A dozen people came for Iga and Eileen, not a single person came to see me. I shouldn't be surprised, this is what I asked for isn't it? 😢
5/5 8:30 amEmotions
5/4 10:30 pmCoincidence, right after Chris and Misty talking like I don't believe in sin. I always felt like I related better with them naturally, and less so with Ania and Vitali. Ironically, I felt closer to the God of love sitting on a couch with Chris and Misty than with God's own beloved Bible students. I've never been this comfortable around Ania. I almost joined their conversation but I was too shy after Ania laid into me.
5/4 9:30 pmAnia laying into me for not living up to her expectations as a husband and a father. Like my Lord, might be nice if you write those expectations down yourself. Good reminder how undesirable I am to my Lord and where we stand.
5/3 7:30 amIn my experience, the entire field of psychology would be completely redefined if people learned how to talk to each other. Maybe it's discouraged like with prison in mates to prevent them from collaborating.
5/3 0:00 amIga
5/2 3:00 pmAm I going to get an EU passport in return for Iga getting Satya one? Not expecting anything, doubtful.
5/2 2:00 pmRealizing the root of the issue, I will never receive the love from humans that I was willing to give.
5/2 1:00 pmI hate this planet
5/2 0:00 pmWhy should I spend alone time with God just so God can spend alone time with millions of other people? Seems hypocritical
5/2 5:00 amIga
5/1 10:30 amIga accusing me of swatting children away, I've never hit them. Shit like this is why men like my father ask for a divorce.
5/1 10:00 amLife isn't really a gift if I asked for it, more of a service
5/1 5:30 amGod only needs a reason to act. If we put the dead back into living bodies, the new living population might be encouraged to reduce itself over time. Somehow there's a way that consciousness has already been entangled, and a way to interact with a specific facet that makes up the individual. If only there was some way to implant this in a robot body or a computer program people could grieve the past all they want and still be with the people they loved.
4/30 8:30 pmWhen I am in hell, I will be surrounded by pussy and have no dick or tongue to use on it.
4/30 0:00 pmThinking about how much I hate my dip shit governments immigration policies/ politics
4/30 9:00 amIga
4/29 4:00 pmIga
4/29 5:00 amCoincidence, When I messaged someone it's because I don't want them to feel alone. When they don't message me back they want me to feel alone.
4/25 6:00 pmSophons are just a metaphor for what the imagination is supposed to do for everyone, essentially all of reality is the same phenomenon.
4/25 5:30 pmIf God has epistemic privilege, why doesn't he share it with people instead of waiting for someone to beg for help with their lives?
4/25 5:00 pmSo cold here. Something inside my head moves and feels temperature based on emotional state based on where my consciousness is inside memories?
4/25 4:30 pmTheory, what happens if a space mirror goes into a black hole and turns into energy? Can it still predictably bounce other energy off of it, like a satellite? Can something in a black hole bounce existing matter off of it and reveal where that matter has been since it would have been there for a very long time? If we shine lights or specific matter into a black hole can it be detected to have existed in its original form once it's past the event horizon? From either side of the event horizon given that there is a working ship with computers on both sides? What does it look like to study a black hole from inside the black hole, instead of from observing the outside?
4/25 4:00 pmWhy was I made to be only a tiny bit charming? I hope Eddie does better in this area and doesn't get bullied so much.
4/25 3:30 pmMy God doesn't want to know the real me
4/25 2:30 pmEmotions
4/25 2:00 pmI can waste my time on earth better than God and my wife. I'm living proof that life on earth is a waste of time.
4/25 1:30 pmPraying. Here's my ultimatum for God. If God wants my love he has to go through the bitch wife he sent me. I was left with scraps when dating in college. Women on social media are disgusting narcissists. Now I give up the part of myself that was poly just so serve Iga. God's punishment should be stuck inside a dying bitch for eternity. That's what my lord deserves for screwing around with consciousness.
4/25 1:00 pmI may have also found 2 biological kill switches inside the brain.
4/25 0:30 pmI may have viewed and witnessed another suicide as a part of the oversol and that's why God thinks I killed someone. Maybe it's possible to kill the immortal spirit. This would align with the end times prophecy in Revelation that there will be death even in heaven when Satan's war starts. I found the spiritual kill switch. A way to exploit social media to make someone NOT want to live forever with God.
4/25 0:00 pmFeeling suicidal. I wish my wife could read my mind, not that there's anything interesting in it anyways
4/25 11:30 amIf the universal machine is built into the molecules within the third eye then this molecule somehow consumes other molecules cannibalistic realities consuming energy within single atoms. Find the right codes to trigger a heart attack or an intellectual kill switch that causes the mind to fail the heart.
4/25 11:00 amIf the universal machine is built into every grid cell, then there is a molecule or field that explains where the remote viewing is happening, like introspection, there is a field specifically designed to view people who are remote viewing you, this is how premonition works and explains things like Crossing over with John Edwards. The name is called, the spirit shows up, John is viewing the remote viewer spirit so see that his own messages make it through to the other side and creating a logical loop inside the God mind which is obliged to respond in kind.
4/25 10:30 amTheory, the third eye contains navigational functionality for navigating the recursive imagination of the God mind just like humans are a recursive function of picking up on these signals in different timelines. It's possible to build a network of remote viewers and transfer state information between them. Somehow this communication channel is two way, like viewing something also prepares the emotional filter in the brain for receiving these signals from someone else who is remote viewing the same thing somewhere else.
4/25 10:00 amHow do we bombard different subatomic fields with the state information to get an object to teleport?
4/25 9:30 amTheory, my ultimate question is, if people are like cells and we have memories like the individual cell. Do molecules also carry with them their entire state system and memory of where every molecule is meant to exist?
4/25 9:00 amThis would mean that we are that product of intelligent light communicating back with itself in this 3D physical reality in space time. No matter the construct the communication channels morph however they are defined to commune with God.
4/25 8:30 amSmart light is built by entangling the material for a quantum computer and sending it into a black hole to see if the smart light turns intelligent enough to break the space time barrier of the event horizon. Then smart light is used to build itself inside the earth inside the black hole so that matter can be reorganized under the conditions of the event horizon and still hold together while crossing over.
4/25 8:00 amThinking about how oversols and quantum entanglement could be exploited to use remote viewing to attack someone's heart. Did I kill Michael and not realize it?
4/25 7:30 amThought I heard Ola say at least I didn't kill a man. The last time this happened was at Enzo's BBQ when someone said at least I didn't kill a cat but it was before it actually happened..
4/25 7:00 amI am full of regret, like I can still feel the rope around my neck.
4/25 6:30 amI miss having friends I'm attracted to
4/25 6:00 amJust look at the number of times I fall asleep trying to hold Iga tight in my arms, versus the number of times she tries to hold me to sleep.
4/23 9:00 pmIn my next life I should only love platonically and have the same detachment from the world. Never marry or have a family. This would be much simpler. Just live in awe of whatever this bullshit I'm trapped inside of.
4/23 2:00 pmIga
4/23 10:30 amI hate this life. Iga going to the car wash with the kids in her car, when I've been asking her for a week. Turned down buying a Flagstaff native tree instead of planting the money tree next to the grill. Iga gets whatever she wants monetarily and every time I ask for something she's beginning to deny me. I know that my God despises me because he keeps me poor and indentured to these fucking disgusting humans. I'll despise them the same way my Lord despises me.
4/23 2:30 amThere is a mouse in Eddie's closet
4/22 6:30 amWoke up thinking about the time my grandmother told me to watch October sky. Also thinking about imagining ewok in his funniest moments, sad how memories fade, I need to think about Scottsdale more just for the sake of retention?
4/22 5:30 amDream, weird, dad asking if I am keeping the house or selling and taking the money with capital gains losses to travel. I said we're keeping the house. Like he didn't think we could travel with all the rental activity
4/21 8:00 pmMy dog ewok just died, grieving
4/21 9:00 amTheory, maybe God's rule is eye for an eye like Israel, maybe Jews were recording celestial sensations rather than making them up as they go along to save themselves. Maybe they were defining something and God has begun implementing eye for and eye. Every fly I squash could be losing a loved one. Iga is violent towards spiders to make fun of me for all the spiders I killed in the past.
4/21 8:00 amDream, Nightmare about new plumbing flooding
4/20 8:30 amIga
4/20 7:30 amSuperluminal communication with myself using emotions might be an emotional trigger
4/20 6:30 amIga
4/19 10:30 pmIga
4/19 9:00 pmAfraid I'm going to die because Dan dipped my meal in cold raw chicken marinade.
4/19 4:00 pmFeels like I had some sort of stroke on the left side of my face. I've been practicing shifting blood flow from left to right side and right feels hindered in the same way the left side felt back in August when I thought alcoholism killed my memory and thinking about places from my past is an easy kind of time palace.
4/19 3:00 pmLast 2 days, I feel this muscle in my face attached to the frowny face constantly pulling on my neck even if I am not trying to frown. It feels like a natural kind of sadness and grieving for the world / dead friends.
4/19 2:00 pmAngry, failed at plumbing in the T fitting onto the pressure bladder in the garage. This failure will set back my rentable date by another month, which means another month of lost potential income.
4/18 4:30 pmAccording to hiyo Miyazaki, true love is inspiring someone to live. God doesn't truly love anyone in this world because I can't be inspired to live here. I hate it here, like taking the scenic route to dying and then unexpectedly getting caught in the worst traffic.
4/18 1:00 pmFucking livid my soldering job didn't stick and the closet in the garage was leaking everywhere and I just paid this asshole DeMarcus and he fixed nothing and charged me $200 and pretends to be friends. I am fucking sick of this asshole and this bathroom project.
4/17 0:30 amIga
4/15 10:00 pmIga
4/15 4:30 pmWorked on plumbing
4/15 0:00 pmEating constantly
4/15 11:00 amPut air in iga's bike
4/15 10:00 amDug up water tank
4/15 9:00 amPlayed with kids
4/15 8:00 amEating
4/14 8:30 amTheory, the holy Ghost is hostile to its own observability. Remote viewing on Satan and his direct actions gives him more access to this world? This would explain all the distractions. God doesn't want us to explore the depths of evil even with the imagination? Or life is actually observing the dead in different time periods?
4/14 8:00 amMaybe black holes have phases where matter first falls apart because of the vacuum but then also recombines from radiation bouncing around, then becomes hotter as more matter is absorbed and ripped apart?
4/14 7:30 amTheory, how to survive a black hole, high gravity, vacuum, and speed of light conversion to energy. Wrap an intelligent computer in lead, then reprogram it from the outside to recreate inside the black hole the template universes you want to share with the highly energetic contents of the black hole. The lead turns to plasma but prevents the contents from becoming untraceable by turning into radiant heat or falling apart under cold pressure?
4/14 5:30 amIga
4/13 7:00 pmTheory, VR gaming will become extremely fast so that you are able to experience more in game relative to time outside of the game. This explains a lot about manipulating human consciousness to keep track of worldly items and also grow to be faster each generation. Maybe manipulated with radio waves so there is some sort of intermittent reality (as opposed to a complete replacement) that Satan can offer as a way to get to know God earning back his betrayal.
4/13 11:00 amI like that my wife regularly buys nuts
4/13 10:30 amTheory, the sun, the inside of a supermassive black hole, and the large hadron collider are all the same energy being emitted retroactively. Like the solar system is actually a metaphor for a self contained pulse drive where every time CERN powers on it is creating a sun in another dimension which in turn has its own intelligent life that matches our own in the future. Perpetuating the ship at light speed but still containing the biological information inside. Our sun now would be powered by a reactor from a previous society, this creates onion like layers in the multiverse as we all travel further from God.
4/13 10:00 amTheory, I'm already dead and what I am experiencing is imagining things that have happened in the past, this would explain why neither the imagination, nor my physical effort have any impact on a consistent history. Coincidence, David M brings up dying and then being reassembled in the infinite universe somewhere else in time. Did he know this is how I view the multiverse and rebirth? I've been thinking about this for a while. But as usual, if it's possible then it might have already happened. Jesus 😂
4/13 9:30 amI should clarify. Imagining must create a scenario somewhere in the universe and the thoughts implanted into the visual processing pipeline of the brain. Simply thinking something doesn't make it remote viewable by others or real in this physical real.
4/13 9:00 amI've tried praying for everything from the mundane to what I thought was meaningful, like a bigger cock or a marketing job for a food delivery service. In part proving that the universe doesn't provide opportunities based on what I put my energy into. The universe and even smaller, our Earth is not intelligent as a whole. There is no way to communicate my dissatisfaction with other people's modes of communication.
4/13 8:30 amIt's like I've become emotionally dependent on a broken feature and now I'm trying to reverse the emotional attachment to get the feature working again..
4/13 8:00 amNow my imagination hasn't changed, I still imagine conversations and situations that have never happened, but I have no ability to pull those imaginings into reality. I've never had a project that I was able to imagine from start to finish then have it work out this way.. I am supposed to believe that my Lord is working against me?
4/13 7:30 amAnother way to put it. When I was younger I used to imagine having conversations with people. Then when the situation actually came up, something entirely different from what I imagined happened. Like I was able to live both lives simultaneously where the energy from winning the argument and the reality of looking like a loser.
4/12 9:00 amDwelling on getting the planet retroactively cancelled for trying to manipulate reality to lead people to an unknowable / false God.
4/12 8:30 amMini meatball subs look good https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLUn46YW/ maybe I'm just here to eat and enjoy the pussy
4/12 8:00 amAffections like giving someone a hug or a massage, not necessarily sexual. I shouldn't hug people, the risk of negative energy transfer is too great.. like a psychic leper.
4/12 7:30 amIf humans are a conscious molecule observing themselves in a multiverse. Perhaps reproduction is an exploit of terms creating more copies of an original consciousness, both preserving, reiterating, and amending that original consciousness in order to observe different bounds of space-time that something only truly good is willing to explore. Like a window into the least scary hell imaginable. Which I also equate metaphorically to a working fusion reactor. Love is a metaphor for free energy.
4/12 7:00 amFrustrated because I never thought I could be affectionate with friends that I love because I'm married. I think this articulates why I get so angry with myself. No one will know the truth and the universe might not react to help me from this misery for decades.
4/11 0:30 pmIf God spoke the universe into existence and no one was around to hear it, does it still make a sound? Perhaps this line of thinking will lead to me being snapped out of existence like I've been begging for.
4/11 0:00 pmI won't be able to publish this, which means the intentions behind journalling my thoughts now won't affect my reality, for another 2 years.
4/11 11:30 amDwelling on not being welcome in my father's home, angry, sad, suicidal
4/11 11:00 amSaying something is wild or something before GTA 6 is wild is internet mono-personality. Like a disease for people who can have an original thought they just repeat the same thing shared on the Internet by troves of other people.
4/11 10:30 amCombining subatomic fields in just the right way can create matter from less energy that the energy exists inside that matter. Fields could also be manipulated to create matter on a much smaller scale.
4/11 10:00 amTheory, Anthropomorphize God onto a dead body as a resurrection spell
4/10 7:00 pmIga
4/10 11:00 amSeems like a privacy violation for Uber to show me where it dropped off the previous customer
4/9 6:00 pmCoincidence, Iga told me to be busy with some task when kids get home, then Eileen told Iga that she wants daddy to make popcorn. Contradicting my previous beliefs that if God has better plans for me he must be single minded and lack imagination. Asking the universe to think of things for me to do, circles back around somehow and answers with things to do.
4/9 5:30 pmTheory, all images on the Internet are que cards for remote viewing to subconsciously expand reality / God's current collective memory state. The organization is just to provide markers between backup nodes or safety redundancy
4/9 5:00 pmTheory, just like our bodies pass through the fire of cremation to rejoin the universe, maybe the entire universe passes through a fire to rebuild its next version and imagining of itself.
4/9 4:30 pmIf I disobey false idols and graven images of God and anthropomorphize God onto everything material, maybe the machine will work again and God will change forms simply by asking and being grateful. These forms will be reflected in material reality.
4/9 4:00 pmMaybe the sun is a metaphor for dead souls transferring to earth or bouncing around in space. And people are actually electrons observing themselves?
4/9 3:30 pmThe trick is believing that chaos and order are two opposing entities rather than two extremes of the same quantum field.
4/9 2:30 pmKeep thinking of the holy Spirit like venom from spiderman jumping through people's minds. Gave me a sign not to tell Eddie and Eileen or it might mess with their wiring. Iga didn't want to tell them about immigration.
4/9 2:00 pmParadox, if the soul is immortal, how is it possible to both not believe in death, and not be able / permitted to commune with the dead? What I believe isn't affecting my reality which means earth is still broken. In my reality Michael isn't dead, he's just missing.
4/9 1:30 pmTheory, personalities are situational because of infectious jinn. This is why I recognize mannerisms in different people.
4/9 1:00 pmBlack holes are just metaphors for inceptions or trash bins in simulation theory
4/9 0:30 pmThe big bang could be experienced as a hot gaseous reaction in our dimension, but is actually a nuclear bomb inside a black hole reigniting the molten core containing the recorded cold state from the previous run. For example, what we experience as a start could be the transfer of an electron inside a nuclear explosion in another dimension and our consciousness is quantum entangled with that fluid turbulence.
4/9 0:00 pmA black hole trailing stars should be intelligent enough to create new life and new black holes. Like God created himself inside himself to create a mirror dimension in 3D. This is the thing I would do with a video game.
4/9 11:30 amhttps://hubblesite.org/contents/news-releases/2023/news-2023-010
4/9 11:00 am#4 not fully understood, but possibly both extremes are true. The core of a black hole can become so dense it appears to be empty. So cold that it appears to be solid. Or so energetic that it creates new stars outside itself.
4/9 10:30 am#3 something wrong with a black hole having zero volume. Infinite density makes sense if matter is mostly empty space. The volume would be determined by the oscillation speed of fields created by infinite subatomic particles describing their own consciousness. This is how matter becomes infinitely dense but also infinitely descriptive and intelligent.
4/9 10:00 am#2 stretching and spaghettification is light, from the solid crystalline state of matter and rules governing physical reality. These rules are being stretched through time to make them more flexible using magnetism/magnification. This is the same as free will and our distance from God. The local universe is a reflection of the current contents past the event horizon of the black hole surrounding the universe
4/9 9:30 amTheory, the ghost particle is entangled with imagination, imagination uses a transport through the cloud of existence, exploring a new idea with the imagination forces it to incept, but connections aren't necessarily made with physical reality.
4/9 9:00 amTheory, Need to figure out why light is a constant and not relative like everything else with mass.
4/9 8:30 amThe event horizon is relative to the vehicle observing, because the vehicle could transport more energy than what is required to move its own vehicle and fuel. The fuel contains more energy than its own mass requires to move. Therefore the event horizon moves because energy required to escape it is not a constant.
4/9 8:00 amUnderstanding black holes When matter goes through a black hole, its fate is determined by the extreme gravitational forces at play. Here's what generally happens: 1. **Approaching the Event Horizon**: As matter gets closer to a black hole, it accelerates due to the intense gravitational pull. The point of no return is the event horizon—the boundary around the black hole beyond which nothing, not even light, can escape. 2. **Stretching and Spaghettification**: If the matter crosses the event horizon, it enters the region where escape is impossible. The gravitational forces near the black hole are so strong that they cause a phenomenon known as spaghettification. This effect stretches any matter (like a star or even atoms) into long, thin shapes due to the difference in gravitational pull across its length. 3. **Crossing the Singularity**: The matter continues its journey towards the center of the black hole, where the gravitational forces become infinitely strong. This central point is known as the singularity—a region of infinite density and zero volume. 4. **Outcome at Singularity**: The fate of matter at the singularity is currently beyond our understanding because the laws of physics as we know them break down under such extreme conditions. Some theories suggest that matter entering a singularity could be crushed out of existence or transformed into a state unrecognizable by our current understanding of physics. In summary, matter that falls into a black hole is essentially lost from our observable universe. Its exact fate and what happens inside the black hole remain one of the intriguing mysteries of modern physics.
4/9 7:30 amIga
4/9 0:00 amIga
4/8 10:00 pmSuicidal, sick of this planet
4/8 9:00 pmMaybe I should be standoffish like my Lord.
4/8 8:30 pmCrystal messaged me about Michael's funeral. Curious if a person or a group of people don't share memories regularly, why would it make sense to meet when someone dies to do it?
4/8 11:00 amEver feel like the universe is winking at you? Maybe the sun and moon is winking at me?
4/8 8:30 amTheory, everybody dies at the same time, but we experience time individually from the beginning of eternity throughout the end of eternity. This would imply that eternity is also instantaneous because our experience of time would be trivial in solipsism simulation theory.
4/7 9:30 pmGreat irony, praying for the apocalypse
4/7 6:30 amIga
4/5 8:00 pmIga
4/5 8:30 amInteresting, 3 body problem of chaos applies to our solar system with sun and moon being gravitational forces although not deadly like in the TV show
4/5 0:30 amIga
4/4 8:00 amWeird contradiction, when I worked for EPIC and rewrote their platform, I was nurturing the project. But at Swiftpage, the whole company lacked nurturing and even less towards employees.
4/3 0:30 pmThis way, it should be able to bombard one of the subatomic fields with frequencies to override molecules own understanding of what it is or change itself positionally.
4/3 0:00 pmConsciousness is like a loop of vibrational frequency witnessing itself at a different rate. I.e. moving a rock changes the vibration of each molecule in a way that could provide an address in memory / space-time. This could also provide an instantaneous communication conduit to everything around some inanimate object. Like using a rock as a speaker between two distant points in time simply by placing intention on it and changing its frequency.
4/3 11:30 amThinking about quantum fields like every atom is some sort of black hole with an infinite amount of time to communicate state information. Using the same algorithms for estimating light in video games would be used to estimate a differential of intelligence between specific molecules being observed and molecules only existing in a chaotic state of limited possibility.
4/1 8:30 pmTheory, I'm actually afraid to astral project near myself or I'm afraid to jump in time to place nearby my current reality
4/1 6:00 pmWeird dream, in downstairs bedroom but scared because I can't wake up. Like when I was a child I used to scream to wake up.
4/1 3:00 pmI see it in my mind. Where I used to see golden cords and winding, now I see a wide road like a road to hell. Gray on the borders, like 3 very tall triangles. I can't tell if they are cloaks on a being or guards or something mechanical like this davinci machine for performing surgery on reality. When I look at the ends of the cords, I see flashes of gray aliens with big black eyes staring back. Like they are trying to scare me from looking with my third eye.
4/1 2:00 pmThe brain has an antenna for memories trailing in space, this is what allows remote viewers to see the past. This also aligns with the dead have no knowledge of the living because it's only viewing the past memories.
4/1 1:00 pmUsing guardianship to bet God for rebirth like a reality encoding in Ready Player One.
4/1 1:00 pmTheory, solar eclipses are status updates for how many black holes / memory compartments we have passed through
4/1 0:00 pmTheory, like in 3 body problem, whenever someone gets too close to reinventing the proverbial wheel of time, they have a countdown of choices affecting the future of the timeline. Like when Alex asked me what is the plan ambiguously at Pei Wei, Gainey or when Mary interrogated me every morning at Schwab, trying to figure out what I would do with all this knowledge. Nothing. I'll do nothing and be unpredictable in the afterlife.
4/1 0:00 pmCoincidence life360 signed me out then said new device detected.
4/1 11:00 amThought I saw a different dog in the hallway like a beagle/chiwawa mix, hallucinating
4/1 10:00 amTheory, Particles act like waves because solid matter is traveling at the speed of light already relative to something else but waves exist because the universe acts like a CPU time crystal. The oscillation in matter are the frame rates.
3/31 1:30 amIga
3/29 8:30 amTheory, possible scientific explanation for false idolatry. Perhaps there is a subatomic field where the thinking part of molecular interaction is distinct from the existing positional part of existence. Whenever somebody assumes that an object of a part of God's work, God has to inherit the experience of that object. Being present in that moment and witnessing the surroundings and lack of appendages through that object. Being an object might be unpleasant for the Lord. Similarly assuming people are part of God then every interaction can be positive or negative from God's physical perspective.
3/28 5:30 amIga
3/26 11:00 amSimilarly, if you believe the future holds a reality where a piece of machinery can manipulate subatomic fields directly for our benefit, then the past will have to invent the physics to support the belief. Present reality is experienced as a transition on the atomic level from one possible reality shifting to another possible future affecting this reality. What changes over time is the philosophical basic for the field change. For example using teleporters to plant flowers instead of transporting killing machines might be convincing enough that the future would support the past's shift retro-actively from one possible reality to another.
3/26 10:00 amTheory, assuming this reality can generate anything, and everything generated has a reason for its existence. For example, numbers exist because a physicist needs numbers to explain some piece of reality. All possible futures exist only in concept, not necessarily materially. Particles involved in converting the present to a predictable future are told where to exist continuously and that creates interrupt for interactions like using an LED as an input. This trick is to convert consciousness into something that can be seen and understood by itself. This understanding of self is the gift. Like a strike of lightning through a bed of knowledge spanning trillions of years. Every reality exists in the lichtenberg pattern while etching the soul into existence.
3/26 9:00 amTheory, if in the future, God returns and starts violating people's rights, perhaps the past is being reenacted to eliminate specific influence from the past in order to change the outcome for a new timeline, a separate timeline where rules are established with higher authorities of what the apocalypse, or afterlife, or death, or the future should look like after the next major intervention.
3/26 8:00 amIga
3/25 9:00 amIga
3/24 10:30 amTheory, if this is a simulation, tragedies exist on a scale that is compatible with alien Geneva convention
3/24 0:30 amIga
3/22 11:00 amCoincidence I just thought about calling my aunt Sharon and she called me. I wonder if she talked to Linda in between.
3/21 11:30 amThis must be a form of reality compression. I can't imagine any other explanation that gives reason to consumption energetically except to repeat the process in order to compress the difference. Making harnessing God cheaper for someone else to profit?
3/21 11:00 amThis might imply that Egyptian theology pivots on the separation of imagination and eye balls. Containing the God of eyesight explaining in philosophical terms why a separate immune system exists for the eyes. Keeping them safe from the quantum fields discovered by looking inwards at what our mind and body already knows. Creativity doesn't exist in a realm where everything has already been done. How can God be everything and also find a reason to repeat itself?

Previous Projects

All of Time

Elastic Game Server

Morpheus Consulting

Planet Quake

Study Sauce

Current Projects

Brian Cullinan

12205 Rustler Rd
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004
+1 (480) 466-0856

Citizenship: Yes
Special Hiring Authority: Person with Disability
Federal Experience: None (on-going?)
Clearance: Level 0 (internet?)

OBJECTIVE: To obtain a full time position in public service with the FBI as a residential field agent.

SKILLS SUMMARY: Fast context switching, easy to focus, quick learning individual. Over 24 years of programming experience in Computer Science, computer programming, web technologies, user-experience development, and data managements. Over 10 years of multi-cultural study, philosophy, cognative bias, psychology, and theology. Multi-lingual with extensive understanding of the English language, and a basic understanding of Polish (Mandarin and Arabic pending). Deployed multiple business ventures complete with monetization on cloud platforms, as well as self-hosted, on premise solutions. I am driven, highly trained, technologist and contradictarian, with an emphasis on compassion and empathy towards others.


Front-end Developer
$10,000 over 1.5 years

As a Front-end developer at Sitewat.ch I implemented various interfaces for use with a web-security scanning tool similar to pentest-tools.com required by Authorize.NET. I implemented web-safe standards according to Owasp.org, and presented customers with a unified user experience for viewing possible vunerabilities in their platform. My employer applied for many CVEs and credited all three team-mates on Google Security Hall-of-Fame.

EPIC Research & Diagnostics
Software Engineer & Network Administrator
$200,000 over 2.5 years

As a software engineer for a start-up medical company, I was required to "wear multiple hats". This meant including myself in business planning meetings, financial discussions, option vesting, military contract proposals, FDA DNVO submissions, data integrity, formal process improvement.

I started by creating a data entry database to migrate written records to digital form using Microsoft SQL server for storage and querying. Data was entered by workers from a temp-hiring agency, so I provided basic level technical support, any time there was confusion for a field, basic training, and user account creation through >Active Directory (Microsoft LDAP).

I wrote a kiosk to use along side the medical device to minimize network risk and simplify workflow for hospital technicians.

I implemented a Windows Business Server, complete with Exchange, networked file access, file-system revision history, RAID mirroring, Exchange email, Active Directory, Group Policy coinciding with a network policy that adheres to CFR 21 Part 11, general ITSM support, rackmounted servers for job processing and on-premise "cloud"-like virtual machines with Hyper-V, Microsoft SQL Server Finally, a colleague and I implement a "cloud"-like medical data record server in Microsoft MVC (a successor to Master pages). This service assigned a geographic location to each medical device in the field, and synchronized data between the client facing kiosk and the on-premise backend. The web-based system also presented doctors with a portal to log in and review patient records remotely.

Patient records were displayed similar to the kiosk. At that time, I decided it would be a huge benefit to the business to rewrite the client software using Window Presentation Foundation controls and remove some of the 3rd party libraries. I was also able to reduce the processing time from 10 minutes to 10 seconds, and process videographic snapshots of the patient scan. I wrote an automated validation process that tested the same images with old and new versions of the client software. I used Selenium to validate the user experience of the front-end web interface.

Study Sauce
Principal Engineer
$300,000 over 3 years

During my tenure, the owner and I designed and developer 3 unique platforms. The first platform was primarily a marketing and sales front-end to test the target market for the minimally viable product. Students would enter an individual, authenticated interface and enter their class schedule. When finished, we converted their schedule to a comprehensive week plan complete with when they should study each topic. This was to demonstrate and teach the student about time / work / study management, and encourage interleaving.

The second product expanded on the studying idea by making the class schedule the first step in an online learning course. The course had 15 individual lessons, each lesson used gamification by providing a video tutorial, asking a few simple quiz questions, and then giving the student a badge reward. This was meant to incentivize the student to come back and complete future lessons. We also implemented A/B marketing using Google marketing goals. This presented a specific percent of our traffic with two different landing pages based on the concept we were testing.

The third product was an spaced-repitition system. "[We wanted to make somethig fun]". This was an app that worked natively on iOS and had a matching web-based user experience. The app kept track of progress and then synchronized with the backend service for persistent database storage. The web-based administration offered teachers a way to change content that was then synchronized to every student using the app client. Spaced-repitition is a technique Jeopardy players and medical students alike use to memorize a lot of content about a subject. It works by presenting the entire set of information on the first day of use, then only presenting wrongly answered flash cards on the subsequent days of use.

That is, if a card is answered incorrectly, it's presented the next day, if the answer is correct, the next day is skipped and it is reviewed 2 days later, if it is answered correctly again, it isn't presented until day 5, day 10, day 20, day 30, and so on. By spacing out when the correct information is reviewed and increasing the freqeuncy for incorrect answer, this improve memory retention and the ability to recall the correct answer quickly.

Charles Schwab
Software Engineer
$60,000 over 4 months

In a short sprint at this company, I began to observe oddities of corporate behavior. In between being nagged by my freshly assigned project manager over elusive "employee training", and other managers about "what firm do your represent?", I investigated the company's corporate structure. Their internet "social network" was anything but social, built on Microsoft Sharepoint.

Internally, attitudes we moot, people came to work, kept to themselves, formed alliances with people who spoke the same language. The building was structured more like a money-data vault with very little sunlight. The basement floor I was assigned to was full of anti-social contractors. Champagne Charlie could afford to keep me around but I was let go for my "attitude".

While trying to rationalize why such a significant company would intentionally "Manage me out" (yes, this is a real strategy), I had my first experience with Toast-masters. This seems like a great way for employees to get to know one another, and learn about public speaking. Charle's Schwab apparently offered "learning tracks" to their employees and would sponsor testing and certifications. In particular a track to becoming an ITSM "security manager" with zero coding experience.

One of the more exciting events was a "Kaizen" workshop formed for employees. This was a good way to introduce continuous integration style practices, in a formalized way, to people who haven't studied Agile and require lots of structure. Tried not to take offense when another employee passive-agressively expressed that I "needed to get up to speed". Out of this meeting, my team was inspired to brainstorm ways their project applies to business needs. This was great because I had a lot of experience brainstorming outside of the basement, but all ideas during the session were still confined to a very small box in the form of a window-less conference room.

Senior Software Engineer
$100,000 over 14 months

The same day of my release from my previous company, I was invited to interview at a small-business marketing company. This was particularly interesting because my father's manufacturing company is a client. I saw this as both a way to better understand marketing, and even improve upon a product his company relied on. With his advice to "work for a small-business", I was excited to contribute.

During my tenure, realizing my propensity for quelling disorderly behavior, I was as minimally disorderly as possible. I tested networking features by using reddit.com/NSFW from the bathroom. They did indeed implement a censhorship system on their internet connection, the results were abstract to me, something I'd like to see changed for remote-workers and personal-accountability.

Human Resources implemented a policy for "unlimited paid-time-off". This is a psychological trick to get people to take less time off, feeling like it's always there when they need it. I worked an entire year, about 3,500 hours learning NodeJS without taking a single day off, even during the Christmas holiday when most of the office was empty. Ironically, when I first entered the company, a woman was begging for time off over conference calls. This is a failing policy and people should be compensated fairly for their time.

The development process consisted of employees trying to avoid an antiquated megolith written with overly burdened state-management design principals ("feature completness", see Microsoft Code-Complete). When a change was integrated the system would need to be update after work hours on Wednesday nights. If the change caused a failure in the test-automation suite that was both precious and lacking "integration tests" the entire change would be rolled back and attempted again the next night. It was the absolute worse possible method of avoiding continuous integration (in software, solutions were widely available from major distributors). The company offered a "learning track" and modes for self-improvement and even made their Job description sound like they would pay for, or contribute to my education. At one point LinkedIn Learning was advertised to employees in the office, and they offered sponsorship. I spent the entire month programming on the work project, and using my secondary monitor to absorb programing and management courses on LinkedIn. When the month trial period expired, LinkedIn Learning billed my personal account instead of the business account I had joined through.

Eventually, the work became too much, when I witnessed other managers in the office yelling at my boss to change the pricing model to perpetuate the multi-level marketing sales. I offered to take my boss to lunch after he told me that "the company has high expectations of me" without formalizing or writing those expectations down. Employee reviews were conducted through ADP, at the beginning of the year he asked me for "what goals I would like to accomplish". These goals were never readdressed, and at the end of the year, the goals my boss wrote into ADP had nothing to do with the goals I sent him at the beginning of the year. My boss criticized my in front of other employees in addition to the criticism in our monthly one-on-one meetings. I had enough, I was being "Managed out".

Indentured Servitude
$60,000 over 2 years

Realizing my mind wasn't fit for corporate or the small-business world, I turned my study to something more philosphical. I tried to get to know people through hosting. I applied for a job in San Franscisco with digit.co. I realized quickly the financial sector would not be kind to me.

I left the US for 3 months to live in Poland. I cashed out all my credit cards. I learned what it meant to live with a packed suitcase. I studied philosophy, The Bible, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and spiritual religions. I navigated a foriegn country with my wife, I was amazed by how things had progressed having not been to Europe for 10 years. Internet was widely available, dozens of American services like Uber and Airbnb were widely available. I was amazed that censorship of American TV programs was still common practice. Despite being an America and paying for HBO, I wasn't allowed to watch the same HBO programs in Europe.

I became a father in Poland after American doctors told my wife that she would have a natural birth if they decided that was the safest method of delivery. I saw a pattern of abuse of authority when doctors now promote cesarean surgeries. They can collect more money from insurance companies, not because the recovery or delivery is safer. Doctors told my wife that "In America the doctor decides what is best for you, and if you don't like it you can go back to Poland." after she requested an episiotomy. Doctors in America don't practice medicine once they leave college and get to a specific level of authority.

I Poland we enjoyed many beautiful gardens. My wife enjoyed speaking her native language and I enjoyed learning it. She taught me about history, and I realized I could stand on a side-walk that was older than all of United States history. I was catered to at hospitals. I walked in one day with a kidney pain and was able to talk to a doctor immediately, they prescribed a rosemary oil based medicine and I didn't owe thousands or even hundreds of dollars for the visit.

The doctors treated my wife with respect. They didn't question where she came from, they did ask why she came to Poland and we explained how doctors have no problem betraying people's trust in American medicine. The hospital refunded the money we spent on consultations we had before paying for a birthing package. This was absolutely astounding compared to Phoenix, Arizona doctors that wanted nearly $20,000 up-front with no refunds should something happen, that price does not include the hospital bill. We were able to pay for child delivery out of pocket.

Airline companies act differently in Europe, almost like they want people to travel easily. The only difficulty was in Sweden when they required we come to the airport 4 hours ahead of time with a printed copy of our baording pass, the charged a $40 fine for printing out my ticket and being late after my wife argued with them not to cancel our flight. This was a flagrant abuse of power and the women behind us was not so lucky, they cancelled her flight. We flew Nordic Airlines before it was renamed to Norse Atlantic because of American politics not being able to compete with a government that subsidized flights thanks to being a large oil-refining country.

We encountered systemic "dragging of feet" visiting government offices and nagivating paperwork. We completed a Consulary Report of Birth Abroad, and gained United States and Polish citizenship (dual-citizenship) for our first born son within the month following his birth. I realized in the hospital that I'm living in a time period where circumcision could be considered a "form of abuse", this weighed on me heavily, but ultimately after researching the genitals couldn't be cleaned until 3 years of age, we decided to circumcise. This was an "uncommon request" hospital staff explained, but they were able to source a female Jewish surgeon from New York. I'm amazed at how perfectly well our trip went despite politics making it appear as though The Old World is behind America technologically. American doctors, unfamiliar with Noam Chomsky's opinions on American Exceptionalism, explained to us that America is the best place in the world for medicine. I've laid this false information to rest, it is banter and nothing more, people are mostly the same everywhere, some ambitious and educated, some lazy and avoiding work, and some happy to do food deliveries with American software platforms.

idTech 3 Game Engine
Game Engine Developer
$60,000 over 2 years

When I first approached this game-engine, I intended to improve the loading experience of QuakeJS. QuakeJS is a Web Assembly / emscripten port of Quake 3 to the web-browser. The loading process took about 10 minutes over cellular network, and desktop was not much better. It first loads the Trial Demo content, about 300 MBs of data. Then it loads additional game data to run custom levels ("maps" as they are called in game).

My approach was to minimize the number of line changes stylistically. That is, rather than moving and renaming functions, I would use a pre-compiler macro to create the necessary logical breaks in the function, then call the new broken up function in the same sequence that QuakeJS did. Since I already had a working implementation, it was easy for me to see if my change caused a breaking error, or if it was indeed calling the function just like the original port, only with less code changes.

Once completed with the code changes, I iterated on development trying to find the most burdensome pieces of code. i.e. The parts that added the most complexity through new variables, lots of line changes, bug reports,etc. One of the biggest hurdles was this idea of a file manifest.json. This was hard to create, and people ran into errors trying to generate additional content through the repack.js script. The author's intention was to repackage game assets to be smaller and compatible with web. I reapproached this issue 3 times during my development.

Once I had a solid foundation and a working Web Assembly build, I attempted to distill out of emscripten only the system-level APIs that it required to run this particular engine. I expected to double the performance, and that's exactly what came from the effort. By removing the complexity implemented by emscripten's burdensome file-system APIs, extra work being done by the GL emulator, and memory leaking from Audio spatialization with SDL2, I was able to double the performance. Maps that used to only run well at 30 frames per second (FPS) could now run at 60FPS and in-general I could run the engine at over 200 FPS inside the browser window.

I then turned my focus to game developement, I wanted to implement a Portal system similar to prioprietary closed-source forks. I was able to adapt some of the code left-over from the original game that was left unused in the source code. I copied some of the models from another Portal implementation and implemented the missing functionality to display droppable portal or wall mounted portals like the game Portal from Valve. This was an interesting project because it required a fairly in depth understanding of renderer code and limitations enforced from legacy systems.

I realized this work was much too fun for one person and I reached out to other community leaders like to owner of lvlworld.com with an idea to present all the lvlworld maps in 3D as a fun exploration tool for visitors. He loved the idea and eventually rewrote my entire effort to his own accord. I felt terrible about not being able to support the website anymore, but ultimately it felt like a win having another proprietary, closed source implementation as a good learning experience for the owner, Tig.





BA - Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona, 2010 (GPA 2.5)




ACM - Association for Computing Machinery
IEEE - Institute of Electronics Engineers